
O knight of the two steeds, whose vastness encompasses them,

يا فارس الهولين عم رداهما

1. O knight of the two steeds, whose vastness encompasses them,
Beneath the darkness and beneath the shadow of the dust cloud,

١. يا فارسَ الهْوْليْنِ عَمَّ رَداهما
تحت القَتام وتحت ظِلِّ العِثْيرِ

2. He makes them both safe from his might and attack,
With ease, caution, and a triumphant victory,

٢. يجلوهُما من بأسهِ ونوالهِ
بمُهنَّأٍ خافٍ ونَصْرٍ مُظْهَرِ

3. So his light in his peace and strife,
Is the rescue of the defeated and the wealth of the destitute,

٣. فمضاؤهُ في سلْمهِ ونزالهِ
اِنجادُ مخذولٍ وثروةُ مُعْسرِ

4. The clouds poured down but you were predestined,
To set their times and your call was not preordained,

٤. جاد السحاب وجُدْتَ لكن قدِّرتْ
أوقاتهُ ونداك غيرُ مُقَدَّرِ

5. And you continued to rain while it rained at times,
Not like the rain that gives life to the countries you rain upon,

٥. وظللت تمطرُ وهو يُمطرُ تارةً
ما ماطِرٌ يُحْيي البلاد كمُمْطرِ

6. And when its lightning bolts lied to the detractors,
You were the truthful bringer of good news to the needy,

٦. واذا بوارقهُ كَذَبْنَ لشائمٍ
حيناً فبشركَ صادقٌ للمقْترِ

7. The embers die down from the blazes yet your guidance,
Does not forsake the steps of the confused enlightened one,

٧. تخبو المواقدُ باليَفاع وبشْرُك ال
هادي ركابَ الخابطِ المُتنوِّرِ

8. The coward cannot seek refuge in you with his,
Fox skin armor or the brave with forgiveness,

٨. لا تحتمي الوجْناءُ منك بِتامِكٍ
جلْدِ الاِهاب ولا الشُّجاع بمغفر

9. Your struggle is lamented by a writer and troops,
Between the banned and the expelled,

٩. يشكو كفاحك كاتبٌ وكَتائبٌ
ما بين محجوجٍ وبين مُعَفَّرِ

10. With audacious ones rushing to pierce,
Above the saddles and a pouring rainfall,

١٠. بمبادريْنِ إِلى الطِّعانِ مُهَمْلجٍ
فوق الطُّروس وطامرٍ مُتمطِّرِ

11. Until when the tremor cast your condition,
It let flow from the veins a red, pure, hot stream,

١١. حتى اذا قَذفَ اليراعُ بحالكٍ
أجرى النحور صَبيبَ قانٍ أحمرِ

12. So the two witnesses to what you reached of highness,
Were the surface of the desert at dawn and the page of the book,

١٢. فالشاهدانِ بما بلغْتَ من العُلى
ظهرُ الفلاة ضُحىً وبطن الدفتر

13. Thus you remained, O crown of kings, for the refuge seeker,
A staunch protector and a pouring rain,

١٣. فبقيتَ يا تاجَ المُلوكِ للائذٍ
مستعصمٍ ولمُسنتٍ مستمْطرِ

14. Withdrawal was about to fade through his essence,
But you preserved him with unblemished generosity,

١٤. كاَد التَّصوُّنُ أن تماط سُجوفُه
فحفظتهُ بتبرعٍ لم يكْدُرِ

15. And the horizon of affairs was murky so you poured on it,
From your comfort a heavy pouring rain,

١٥. واغبرَّ مُخضرُّ الشؤونِ فصُبْتَه
من راحتيك بوابلٍ مُثْعَنْجِرِ

16. The majesty of authority was stooped by the frost of eminence,
And the burden though it was not for that cumbersome,

١٦. رزح الجُلال العود من دلج السُّرى
والعِبءِ وهو لذاك غيرُ مُجرجر

17. A silence you grant eloquence to argue for,
And wisdom for the observing wise one,

١٧. صَمْتٌ تُقرُّ له البلاغةُ بالحِجا
والحزمُ للمتأمِّلِ المُسْتبصرِ

18. You did not make the visitors despair or leave,
The saddlebags in your absence or presence,

١٨. لا أوحشت منك الدسوت ولا خلت
منكَ السروجُ بغيبةٍ وبمحضرِ

19. If the meaning of Ja'far is a river in which,
The thirsty are satiated then you are the river of abundance.

١٩. اِنْ كان معنى جَعْفَرٍنهراً به
تروى العُطاش فأنت نهرُ الكوثرِ