
Do not think that I held back from responding

لا تحسبني أحجمت عن خور

1. Do not think that I held back from responding
Or that my tongue was tied, unable to speak.

١. لا تحسبني أحْجمتُ عنْ خَوَرٍ
أو حَصَرٍ في اللسانِ لمْ أقُلِ

2. The ugliness of your actions overwhelms my honor.
The misdeeds of Amr have pulled back Ali's reins.

٢. قُبْحُ مَخازيكَ هازمٌ شَرَفي
سوءةُ عمْروٍ ثَنَتْ عِنانَ علي