
He takes pride in glory, content and assured,

له بالمجد أنس مطمئن

1. He takes pride in glory, content and assured,
And abhors dishonor that would defile him.

١. لهُ بالمجْدِ أنْسٌ مُطْمئَنٌّ
وعنْ عارٍ يُدَنِّسهُ نِفارُ

2. A conqueror when the highlands have clashed,
And defeated when honor has fled from him.

٢. فهَزَّامٌ إذا اشْتَجَرَ العَوالي
ومَهْزومٌ إذا ما عَنَّ عارُ

3. The sun complained and the blooming flowers
When the night cleared and the dawn appeared.

٣. تَشكَّى الشمسُ والزُّهر السواري
إذا ما الليلُ أوضِحَ والنَّهارُ

4. Each shining thing is veiled in smoke,
And each radiant thing eclipsed by dust.

٤. فيسْتُرُ كلَّ لامِعَةٍ دُخانٌ
ويكسِفُ كلَّ مُشْرقةٍ غُبارُ

5. As his swords complained to the battlefields,
The piles of might and the combat gear.

٥. كما تشكو صَوارِمَهُ المَواضي
كُماةُ الرَّوْعِ والكُومُ العِشارُ

6. He is forgiving to the one who pleads to him,
If the abundant rain has been stingy.

٦. سَموحٌ بالنَّوالِ لمُعْتَفيهِ
إذا بَخِلتْ بِدَرَّتِها الغِزارُ

7. The liberator of captives in every land,
If death has made imprisonment preferable.

٧. وفكَّاكُ العُناةِ بكُلِّ أرْضٍ
إذا ما حَبَّبَ الموْتَ الإِسارُ

8. When bestowal precedes his right,
Regret pursues the gains of his seeker.

٨. إذا سَبَقَ النَّوالَ لديْهِ بِشْرٌ
تَعَقَّبَ جَمَّ نائِلهِ اعْتِذارُ

9. The repulsion of lofty ideas wars against him,
And his destiny divides him, deluded or fooled.

٩. تَذودُ كَراهُ أفْكارُ المَعالي
فقِسْمتُهُ غِشاشٌ أوْ غِرارُ

10. Impudent in might, yet kind and cheerful,
As if his traits are water and fire.

١٠. وَقاحُ البأسِ ذو وِدٍّ حَييٍّ
كأنَّ صِفاتَهُ ماءٌ ونارُ

11. His gentleness acts for him,
And the rest of his day is a matter of resolve.

١١. ولُهْنَتُهُ تَقومُ بأبْرَدَيْهِ
وباقي اليومِ أمْرٌ وائْتِمارُ

12. He crossed the dangerous roads of Tameem,
So the endeavor and the caravan were pleasant.

١٢. تَوَقَّلَ في الفَوارِعِ منْ تَميمٍ
فَطابَ السَّعْيُ منهُ والنِّجارُ

13. Mountains, firmly settled
And at home, in endurance, seas.

١٣. جبالٌ من حُلومٍ راسيات
وعند المحْلِ في الجَدْوى بحارُ

14. When they are angry, the coats of mail
Are the ornament of each tyrant's ruin.

١٤. إذا غَضِبوا فللجُرْدِ المَذاكي
بهامَةِ كُلِّ جَبَّارٍ عِثارُ

15. Adnan is pleased with their glory,
And Nizār prides itself on their efforts.

١٥. تَقَرُّ بمجدهم عدنانُ عَيْناً
وتفخرُ من مساعيهمْ نِزارُ

16. They grew the crown of kings, and for the valleys
Pride in what poured from the rain.

١٦. نَمَوْا تاجَ المْلوكِ وللْغَوادي
بما جادَتْ منَ القَطْرِ افْتخارُ

17. Until there came one like an Indian sword,
Adorning the splendor of its shine.

١٧. فجاءَ كَنَصْلِ سيفٍ هِنْدوانٍ
يَزينُ بَهاءَ روْنقِه الغِرارُ

18. At his feet, the mouths of kings
From kissing them in the assembly, perfumers.

١٨. بأفْواهِ المُلوكِ لِراحَتَيْهِ
من التَّقْبيلِ في النَّادي عِطارُ

19. Like drinking from a bouquet they bowed down,
No ruggedness or harshness to be turned away.

١٩. كشاربَةٍ على وِرْدٍ أكَبُّوا
ولا قَعْبٌ ولا غُمَرٌ يُدارُ

20. The minister of goodness, Ahmed the Lofty,
And who is he of the house of glory to be named?

٢٠. وزيرُ الخيْرِ أحمدُ ذو المَعالي
ومنْ هو من بني المجْدِ المُشارُ

21. I honored you, so my prolixity and concision
And the length of my praises in you, a summary.

٢١. كرُمْتَ فكُلَّ إسْهابي وَجيزٌ
وطولُ مَدائحي فيكَ اخْتِصارُ

22. My worries did not eclipse the light of my merit,
Nor does the brilliant rust flake away.

٢٢. وما كَسَفتْ هُمومي نورَ فضلي
وما يَدْوى من الصَّدَأ النُّضارُ