1. May Allah reward the one whose leadership I have chosen
Whose determination and resolve I have learned from you
١. جزى اللّه خيراً من اِمامٍ تخيَّرتْ
رَويَّتُهُ منكَ الهُمامَ المصَمِّما
2. He has tamed the unruly in every situation
And has ruled Allah's land with might and grace
٢. لقد روَّض المغبرَّ من كل ما حلٍ
وطَبَّقَ أرضَ اللّهِ بأساً وأنْعُما
3. He has illuminated the path of glory after its obscurity
With guidance, when the path of glory was dark
٣. وأوضح نهج المجد بعد اشتباهه
بهادٍ اذا ما منهجُ المجدِ أظْلما
4. He has drawn his sword for the victory of religion
Boldly, when summoned to strike with resolve
٤. وسلَّ لنصر الدين منك مُهنَّداً
جريئاً اذا ما هُزَّ للضرب صمَّما
5. His spear brings joy to onlookers
And his blades lead his battles to blood
٥. يُقرُّ عيون الناظرين فِرنْدُهُ
وتجري بحدَّيهِ معاركُهُ دما
6. The appointment of the Minister of Religion was an honor
What sensible person has not been resolute and steadfast?
٦. ومَنْ شرفُ الدين الوزير اختيارُه
فأيُّ لبيبٍ ما أسَدَّ وأحْزَما
7. So remain his protection and support against enemies
And may your sound judgment remain graceful forever
٧. فدمت له ردءاً ظهيراً على العِدى
ودامَ عَطوفاً سالمَ الرأي مُنْعِما