1. You earned virtues and nobility
Between Hanzala and Malik
١. حُزْتَ المكارِمَ والعُلى
ما بينَ حَنْظَلَةٍ ومالِكْ
2. And you interceded for every elder
With the newness of your glorious deeds
٢. وشَفَعْتَ كُلَّ قَديمةٍ
بحديثِ مجدكَ من فِعالِك
3. You strove until you were the pride
Of the valiant men among your warriors
٣. وسَعَيْتَ حتى كَنْتَ فخْراً
للجَحاجِحِ من رجالِكْ
4. And you combined your might in battle
With abundant generosity from your bounty
٤. وقرنْتَ بأسَكَ في الخُطو
بِ إلى جزيلٍ من نَوالِكْ
5. So water and stardust pursue
Your subtlety through your actions
٥. فالماءُ والصَّهْباءُ تَقْتَفيانِ
لُطْفَكَ فيْ خِلالِكْ
6. And the outstanding, steadfast one is amazed
By your groans and endurance
٦. والفارِعُ العادِيُّ يَعجَبُ
منْ أناتِكَ واحْتِمالِكْ
7. You are an ocean and a full moon in
The generosity of your fingers and your beauty
٧. بَحْرٌ وبَدْرٌ أنْتَ في
جودِ البنانِ وفي جَمالِكْ
8. You advance through terrifying fears
As if your resolve were your sword blades
٨. تمْضي على الهَوْلِ المَخوفِ
كأنَّ عَزْمكَ منْ نِصالِكْ
9. And your opinion illuminates the night of tribulations
While your state is gloomy in color
٩. ويُضِيءُ لَيْلَ الخَطْبِ رأيُك
وهو داجي اللَّون حالِك
10. So you remained, O crown of kings
Over the commoners and the kingdoms
١٠. فَبَقيتَ يا تاجَ المُلوكِ
على الرَّعيَّةِ والمَمالِكْ
11. Saving the destitute from privation
And the outcast from annihilation
١١. تُنْجي الفَقيرَ منْ الخَصاصَةِ
والطَّريدَ مِنَ المَهالِكْ