1. The sword and eloquence, radiant witnesses
To Nasir al-Din's valor and triumph.
١. السيف والحُجَّة الغراءُ قد شهدا
لناصر الدين بالإقدام والظَّفرِ
2. The renowned knight makes his swords drip
With bloodshed, while the monks gaze askance.
٢. تُقطِّرُ الفارس المشهور فتكتُهُ
فيه ويصطلم الأحبارَ في النَّظرِ
3. Devoted to the Piety of the Merciful, he keeps vigil;
Reciting prayers, verses and surahs.
٣. مُستشعرٌ لتُقى الرحمن يُسهره
كَرُّ الصلاة ودرس الآي والسُّور
4. He sees events and days go by
With wakeful eyes, contemplating Divine Oneness.
٤. يرى الحوادثَ والأيامَ سائرةً
بعين يقظان بالتَّوحيد مُعْتبرِ
5. To obstinate souls his proof is his zeal,
Like his spear toward the prey and the battle lines.
٥. دليلهُ في نفوسِ اللُّدِّ سُرتهُ
كرمحه في نحور الصيد والثُّغَرِ
6. His adversary remains forever disconnected,
Seeing his eloquence useless and enraged.
٦. فخصمهُ أبداً ما بين مُنْقطعٍ
يرى فصاحته عِيّاً ومُنْعَفِرِ
7. A harshness, with which arrogance cannot long persist,
And a gentleness, nobler than the tenderness of youth.
٧. خشونةٌ لا يطولُ الجبرؤُتُ بها
ولِينةٌ كرُمتْ عن رقَّةِ الخورِ
8. And who is equal to Saoud in resolve and ambition
Among Arabs or Persians, nomads or townspeople?
٨. وأين مِثْلٌ لمسعودٍ وهمَّتِهِ
في العرب والعجم أو في البدو والحضرِ