1. You came like the dawn after night's darkness
Casting shadows with its gloom
١. قدِمْتَ قدوم الصبح من بعد غيْهبٍ
من الليل يُلقي بالكَلاكِل مُظْلِمِ
2. And you returned like rainfall after drought
A downpour against the tucked-away mounts
٢. وأبْتَ إياب الغيث بعد وديقَةٍ
هجومَ هَذومٍ للمَطيِّ المُخَزَّم
3. I greeted you from up close and from afar
And you greeted while I was absent and present
٣. فحُيِّيت من دانٍ وحُيِّيت نائياً
وحُييتَ في حالَيْ مغيبٍ ومَقْدِم
4. Still setting out on your path and journeying
To glory, overcoming every misery
٤. ولا زلت في تأويب سعيك والسُّرى
إلى المجد تُرْدي كل شقَّاء صِلْدم
5. For you have not ceased being a sharp sword and a spear
Polished blades and a shield against spears and blood
٥. فإنك لم تبرح حُساماً ومُزنَةً
سحوحيْن وشكاً من نوالٍ ومن دَم
6. A refuge and homes that did not abandon the fearful
And aid for the abandoned and wealth for the destitute
٦. حمىً وقِرىً لم يبرحا أمْن خائفٍ
ونُصْرةَ مخذولٍ وثروةَ مُعدِم
7. A minister whose good tidings the humans perceive
From his divisions, before dew and generosity
٧. وزيرٌ يدلُّ البِشْرُ من قسمانِه
على جودِه قبل النَّدى والتَّكَرُّم
8. As lightning reveals the coming of rain
So the gladest tiding for every agonized and determined soul
٨. كما دَلَّ برقُ الغاديات على الحَيا
فأوسع بُشرى كلِّ مُقْوٍ ومُصرم
9. A young man whom wisdom does not favor during his joy
Nor his generosity confined to a season
٩. فتىً لا يخُصُّ الحِلم وقت سُروره
ولا جودُهُ يخْتصُّ منه بموْسمِ
10. Rather, he is forbearing, and his wrath is bitter
The clouds of his generosity pour without stint
١٠. ولكنْ حَليمٌ والحَفيظَةُ مُرَّةٌ
غَمامُ نَداهُ ساكِبٌ غيرُ مُنْجم
11. His pens take the place of his spears
And his views that of every unsheathed white blade
١١. ينوبُ شَبا أقْلامهِ عن رماحهِ
وآراؤهُ عن كلِّ أبيضَ مِخْذَم
12. So his lines are the work of artful bees and pearls
And he strikes nowhere but with resolute courage
١٢. فأسطرُهُ ماذيُّ نَحْلٍ ولُؤْلُؤٌ
ولا ضربَ إِلا في شُجاعٍ مُصمِّم
13. His lines are the work of artful bees and pearls
A well-arranged blend from the inkwell's dark tints
١٣. فأسطرُهُ ماذيُّ نَحْلٍ ولُؤْلُؤٌ
نظيمٌ ومَزْجٌ من مُجاجةِ أرْقَم
14. Abu Ja'far, the crown of kings, who has
Supremacy in excelling, if glories compete
١٤. أبو جعفرٍ تاجُ المُلوكِ الذي لهُ
إذا اسْتَبقَ الأمجادُ فضلُ التَّقدم
15. Godfearing in his solitude
And striving to counsel the exalted Imam
١٥. تَقيٌّ يَخافُ اللّهَ في خَلَواتِهِ
ويدْأبُ في نُصْح الإِمامِ المُعظَّم