
The face of time brightened after its gloominess

تبلج وجه الدهر بعد قطوبه

1. The face of time brightened after its gloominess
And that good news did not cease until it smiled

١. تبلَّجَ وجْهُ الدَّهر بعد قُطوبهِ
ولم يكف ذاك البِشْرُ حتى تبسَّما

2. With joy at the benevolence of the minister Muhammad
For he filled the days with might and favors

٢. سُروراً بإحْسانِ الوزير محمَّدٍ
لِما مَلأَ الأيامَ بأساً وأنْعُما

3. So the strange darkness became a radiant dawn
And the barren land became a flowering meadow

٣. فأضحى الدجى الغريب صبحاً مشرِّقاً
وأصبح جدْب الأرض روضاً مُنمنما

4. The generous one extended his generosity in every path
So you see nothing but clouds and greenery

٤. ومدَّ أتيُّ الجود في كلِّ مسْلكٍ
فلست ترى إِلا غَماماً وخِضْرِما

5. Like a polished Indian sword when brandished
To the high ones it moves resolutely

٥. كذي شُطبٍ ماضي الغرارين مرهف
إذا هُزَّ للعلْياءِ راحَ مُصَمَّما

6. His chastity buckles under the burden of grants
And his free-flowing generosity weighs down the treasury

٦. تنوءُ بأعْباءِ النَّوالِ عُفاتُهُ
وتُثْقل بالجود المَطِيَّ المُخَزَّما

7. When the dust of years confused it did not find
A hero and the atmosphere in the abode became gloomy

٧. إذا حاردتْ غُبر السنين فلم تجُدْ
بطَلٍّ وأضْحى الجوُّ بالمحل أقْتما

8. The pillar of religion, the minister, was determined so
The valleys extended a generous hand full of bounty

٨. هَمى عَضدُ الدين الوزيرُ فمَدَّتِ
الشِّعابُ أتِيّاً ذا غَواربَ مُفْعَما

9. The joy on his palms adorns life and the good news is shining
Modesty that shows generosity as disdained stigma

٩. يزينُ حَيا كفَّيْه والبشْر بارقٌ
حياءٌ يُريه الجودَ بُخْلاً مُذمَّما

10. So the worth of wealth is belittled in his eyes
Until he sees a thousand gifts as one dirham

١٠. فيَصْغُر قدْرُ الدَّثْر في عين جودهِ
إلى أن يرى ألْفَ العَطِيَّة دِرْهما

11. What a generous, obeyed, and noble chest you have
Protected, when serious his look is starry

١١. فيا لك من صدرٍ مشارٍ وسَيِّدٍ
مطاعٍ وذي خالٍ إذا الشَّيْم أنجما

12. His endeavor in glory followed his ancestors
And he harvested to them help and nobility

١٢. نحا سعيُه في المجدِ منْحى جُدوده
وأرْبى عليهم نجْدَةً وتكَرُّما

13. So he remained preceded, carrying the banner
Impregnable, while the speaker of words has the bridle

١٣. فما زالَ متْبوعَ اللِّواءِ مُقَدَّماً
منيعَ الحمى ما صاحب المِقْولُ الفما