
Saladin and his son shone

أبر صلاح الدين وابن صلاحه

1. Saladin and his son shone
With famous valor in wars and gained

١. أبَرَّ صَلاحُ الدِّينِ وابْنُ صَلاحِهِ
ببَأسٍ شَهيرٍ في الحُروبِ ونائلِ

2. Victory and esteem in battles and crises
With generosity from the direction of life and reconciliation

٢. لِعافٍ وقِرْنٍ في نِزالٍ وأزْمَةٍ
على الجَوْدِ من صَوْبِ الحَيا والمَناصِل

3. One day he generously hosted
Another he valiantly led

٣. فيْومَ نَداهُ مُنْعِمٌ غيرُ باخِلٍ
ويومَ وغاهُ مُقْدِمٌ غيرُ ناكِلِ

4. A young man who achieved the ultimate glory for his people
And exceeded in his ambitions the highest positions

٤. فتىً أحْرَزَ الغاياتِ منْ مَجْدِ قوْمِهِ
وفاقَ بمسْعاهُ مَقامَ الأوائلِ

5. He motivated in Homs and Mecca
Reviving every barren and desolate place

٥. وبَثَّ الأيادي بينَ حِمْصٍ ومكَّةٍ
مُغِذَّاً فأحْيا كُلَّ جَدْب وماحِلِ

6. He returned from the Sacred House, his reward
Like the usefulness of his hands, constant, unceasing

٦. وآبَ منَ البيتِ الحَرامِ وأجْرُهُ
كَجدْوى يديْهِ واصِبٌ غيرُ زائلِ

7. So the supremacy, oh son of Muhammad
Continued to alternate between tumult and gatherings

٧. فما زالَتِ العَلْياءُ يا ابْنَ مُحمَّدٍ
مُصَرَّفَةً بين الوَغى والمحَافِلِ