1. The wakefulness of an attentive heart and eyelid unconquerable
By entanglements of speech or addiction to late nights,
١. يقْظانُ قلبٍ وطرفٍ لا يُغالِبُهُ
إِشكال خطبٍ ولا إدمانُ تَسْهارِ
2. Its sleep aloof, its reason drawing near,
Turning between revenue and expenditure.
٢. فنوْمُه عازِبٌ والرأيُ مُقتربٌ
مُصَرَّفٌ بين إِيرادٍ وإصْدارِ
3. It recites and intones the darkness of sublime verses
For the night visitors - what an excellent reciter!
٣. يتْلو ويقْري لحامَ المُتلياتِ دُجىً
للطَّارقينَ فنِعْمَ القارىءُ القاري
4. A chapter to kindle the fires of years gone by
And a chapter whose mention rescues from hellfire.
٤. فسوْرةٌ لسنَى النِّيرانِ رافِعَةٌ
وسورةٌ ذكْرُها يُنجي من النارِ
5. His guests take their leave of him with a tear of dew,
Unstinted by one whose palm is barren of dust.
٥. يحلُّ ضيفانُه منه بخرْقِ نَدىً
لا يكْسعُ الشَّوْل من يبُخلٍ بأغْبار
6. He rains upon the land and the clouds that remain
Are downpours from his overflowing palms.
٦. ويمْطرُ المحْل والأنواءُ مخلِفَةٌ
بوابلٍ من نَدى كَفَّيْهِ مِدْرارِ
7. The sun of morning and stars of night complaining
Of the dew and grace in war and home.
٧. شمس الضحى ونجوم الليل شاكيةٌ
من النَّدى والرَّدى في الحرب والدار
8. So a donor with no money ascends the cross
And a giver whose pots are no tithes shines forth.
٨. فصاعِدٌ من صليبٍ غير ذي نَقَدٍ
وساطِعٌ من قُدورٍ غيرِ أعْشارِ
9. To the beggar and monk from his hand flow generosity -
On two wretched wandering monks.
٩. فللْقَنا والغَضا جودانِ من يَدهِ
على فقيريْنِ مَشَّاءٍ وطَيَّارِ
10. Father Ja'far is met whose valour is his nature -
Gentle to all creatures, without tyranny.
١٠. تلْقى أبا جعفرٍ والبأس شيمتهُ
سَمْحَ الخلائق سَهْلاً غير جبَّار
11. As if he were the flower of a fertile year
When its furthest buds blossom with blazing light.
١١. كأنَّهُ زهْرةُ العام الخصيبِ إذا
زهَتْ مَنابتُها القُصْوى بنُوَّارِ
12. Bestowing upon its viewer beauty and upon its smeller
Fragrance during times of intimacy and dawn.
١٢. تُهدي لناظرِها حُسْناً وناشِقِها
طيباً بأوْقاتِ آصالٍ وأسْحارِ
13. Minister of glory whose clothes were perfumed by him
While his honour is ever free of disgrace.
١٣. وزيرُ مجدٍ ضَفَتْ منه ملابسُهُ
وعِرْضُهُ أبَداً عارٍ مِن العارِ
14. I clothed the breeze of the morning wind with his praises
So every atmosphere spreads his perfume.
١٤. كسوتُ ريحَ الصَّبا رَيَّا مدائحهِ
فكُلُّ جَوٍّ عليه نَشْرُ عَطَّارِ