
The supremacy of the sword and counsel,

تفوق السيف والوط

1. The supremacy of the sword and counsel,
Its prowess lethal, its gains bountiful.

١. تفوقُ السيف والوَطْ
فاءَ فَتْكَتُهُ ونائلُهُ

2. Its rain is gracious,
Its resolve resolute.

٢. فأنْعُمُهُ مَواطِرُهُ
وعَزْمتُهُ مَناصِلُهُ

3. A cloud whose glad tidings the meadows hail,
Flirting in the club, its glances playful.

٣. غَمامٌ بِشْرُهُ الوَضَّا
حُ في النَّادي مخائلُهُ

4. When its radiance shines,
It surges, pours down, its rain copious.

٤. إذا لَمَعتْ بَشاشَتُهُ
هَمى وانْهلَّ وابِلُهُ

5. Impregnable ally of the neighbor,
Free with bounty, its hand generous.

٥. مَنيعُ الجارِ ناصِرُهُ
مُباحُ الجودِ باذِلُهُ

6. Its virtues successful,
Its morals exemplary.

٦. مُنَجَّحَةٌ مكارِمُهُ
مُخَيَّبَةٌ عَواذِلُهُ

7. Prolific its outpourings,
Manifest its merits.

٧. وغامِرَةٌ فَواضِلُهُ
وباهِرَةٌ فَضائلُهُ

8. It is bounteous to the birds of the air,
Offering sanctuary, its wings sheltering.

٨. تَجودُ على عِتاقِ ال
طَّيْرِ والعافي أنامِلُهُ

9. Its battles nourish them,
Its hearths nourish them.

٩. فَتُطْعِمُها مَعارِكُهُ
وتُطْعِمُهُمْ مَراجِلُهُ

10. Wretched is he who contends with it,
As wretched as his dwellings.

١٠. ويَشْقَى مَنْ يُجادِلُه
كما يَشْقى مُنازِلُهُ

11. Satisfying its judgments,
Agreeable its dealings.

١١. فَمُرْضِيَةٌ فَتاويهِ
وراضِيَةٌ مَسائِلُهُ

12. It volunteers its bounty to the obstinate transgressor,
Numerous its kind acts, but few its petitioners.

١٢. تَبَرُّعُهُ لِباغي الجُو
دِ والنُّعْمى وسائلُهُ

13. An eminent minister, abhorrent that
Any disliked act should stain its reputation.

١٣. فقد كَثُرَتْ عَوارِفهُ
ولكنْ قَلَّ سائلُهُ

14. Rather, it assaults at dawn
Those whose aggression exhausts patience.

١٤. وزيرٌ جَلَّ أنْ تَسْري
بمكْروهٍ مَخاتِلُهُ

15. What glory for Allah’s religion!
The Lord of the Throne guarantees it.

١٥. ولكِنْ ضارِبٌ بالصُّبْحِ
مَنْ أعْيَتْ مَقاتِلُهُ

16. And praise to Ahmad in all praiseworthiness,
Its bastion his piety.

١٦. أيا شَرفاً لدينِ اللهِ
رَبُّ العَرْشِ كافِلُهُ

17. To those whose aspirations are pure
As were its beginnings.

١٧. وأحْمَدَ كُلِّ مَحْمَدَةٍ
وتَقْواهُ مَعاقِلُهُ

18. You remain for every good
Its speaker and its doer

١٨. ومَنْ طابَتْ مَاسعِيهِ
كما طابَتْ أوائلُهُ

19. For as long as days sprout
In the garden of sorrow, its rain pouring down.

١٩. بَقِيتَ لِكُلِّ خَيْرٍ
أنْتَ قائلُهُ وفاعِلُهُ

20. For as long as the barefoot circle
His House, extolling His oneness.

٢٠. مَدى الأيَّامِ ما أنْبَتَ
رَوْضَ الحَزْنِ هاطِلُهُ

٢١. وما طافَ ببَيْتِ اللَّهِ
حافِيهِ وناعِلُهُ