1. My ears refused aid, or his downfall to hear,
My eyes did not turn, though streaming a tear,
١. تَصامَمَ السَّمْعُ عن نَصْرٍ ومَصْرَعِه
والعَيْنُ لم تُغضِ لكنْ دمْعُها جارِ
2. I called the death-kneller a liar, yet knew,
That the lion he named would never fear,
٢. كَذَّبتُ شَيْطانَ ناعِيهِ وصَدَّقَهُ
عِلْمي بإِقْدامِ لَيْثٍ منه كَرَّارِ
3. My care mocked my soul, so openly clear,
His will for the fray, no shame could deter,
٣. وغالَطَ النَّفْسَ إِشْفاقي فصَرَّحَ لي
تَشْميرُهُ للرَّدى منْ خشْيةِ العارِ
4. They wailed the towns near, all left dry and sere,
His youth's freshness, no fires could mar,
٤. نَعَوا وَشيكَ القِرى في كُلِّ مُجْدبَةٍ
يُغْني سَنى الوَجْه منهُ عن سنى النَّارِ
5. He warms and feeds, amidst war and fear,
Abu Al-Futuh, best guardian spears par,
٥. يَحْمي ويَقْري لدى حَرْبٍ ومَسْغَبةٍ
أبو الفُتوحِ فنِعْمَ المانِع القاري
6. Of easy nature, all people holds dear,
Garnering friendship, no promise to mar.
٦. سَمْحُ السَّجايا يُحِبُّ النَّاسَ كُلَّهُمُ
مُسْتَحْصِدُ الوِدِّ وافٍ غيرُ غَدَّارِ