
You remained the splendor of faith when dawn had not yet brightened,

بقيت بهاء الدينِ ما وضح الضحى

1. You remained the splendor of faith when dawn had not yet brightened,
Nor had the nightingales trilled above the branches.

١. بقيتَ بهاء الدينِ ما وضح الضحى
وما غردت فوق الغصون السواجعُ

2. The southern breeze had not yet formed a cloud,
Nor had a downpour driven the torrents on.

٢. وما أنشأت ريحُ الجنوب سحابةً
ومدَّ أتيٌّ بالمذانبِ دافِعُ

3. For the wealth of the destitute and the aid of the fearful,
And the beauty of the supple whom assemblies had flexed.

٣. لثروةِ مِعْدامٍ ونُصْرة خائفٍ
وزيْنِ نديٍّ أتْمكَتْهُ المجامعُ

4. So excellent is the climate of the night visitors in the evening
When the flames of panic and tremors are extinguished.

٤. فنِعم مُناخُ الطَّارقينَ عشيَّةً
اذا أخمدتْ نار اليَفاع الزعازعُ

5. The dense, abundant cloud desires to rain its downpour on you,
And you did not set up means to it.

٥. يوَدُّ الكثيفُ الجونُ جاد مسفُّه
نداكَ ولم تُنْصبْ اليه الذرائعُ

6. And the pure white doves fear your might and prowess
When the predators slink away diminished and the defenders tower.

٦. وتخشى الخفاف البيض بأسك والقنا
اِذ الذمر نِكس والمشيَّعُ كانِعُ

7. I see you, Abu al-Fadl, not just Fadl alone,
For your knowledge is overflowing and your generosity spacious.

٧. أراك أبا الفضلين لا الفَضلِ وحده
فعلمك فيَّاضٌ وجودكَ واسعُ

8. Defeat at your hands is the lot of poverty and destiny the proof,
Present and at ease, smooth and gleaming.

٨. هزيمان منك الفقرُ والجبر حجةً
وجوداً فسهْلٌ مستريحٌ وناصعُ

9. So generosity is nothing but voluntary giving in its entirety,
And severance is naught but the disputant is clever.

٩. فلا الجودُ اِلا والتبرُّعُ جلُّهُ
ولا قطْعَ اِلا والمُجادلُ بارعُ

10. His resolve brings every émigré near,
So the vast deserts approach him.

١٠. يُقرِّبُ منه عزمهُ كلَّ نازحٍ
فتدنو له الآرابُ وهي شواسِعُ

11. When the traditions of wishes flood forth
And its rising signs at your command emerge.

١١. اذا شطَّ مأثور الأماني وأصبحتْ
شماليلُهُ في الأمرِ وهي طوالعُ

12. Keen against the covetous, sharp from his penetration,
The discerning blades desire his edge.

١٢. نَضا للمباغي صارماً من نَفاذهِ
تودُّ مضاهُ المُرهفاتُ القواطِعُ

13. The holidays through him were congratulated with their like,
His seasons of good persist inclining and returning.

١٣. فهُنِّئَتِ الأعياد منه بمثلها
مواسمهُ في الخير عوجٌ رَواجعُ