
O you who is trusted with the secret of Allah's secret, and chosen to protect the religion and nations,

يا مودع السر سر الله خص به

1. O you who is trusted with the secret of Allah's secret, and chosen to protect the religion and nations,
And spreader of justice in the world, and the one who spreads it, after it was counted as worthless,

١. يا مودَع السِّرِّ سِرِّ اللّهِ خُصَّ به
ومُجْتباهُ لحفظِ الدين والأُمَمِ

2. And granter of cities and populated towns, without any reluctance, regret or blame,
Generosity poured forth from your hands to me, as the downpour rains heavily from laden clouds,

٢. وناشِرَ العدل في الدنيا ومُنْشِرَهُ
من بعد ما كان معدوداً من الرِّمَمِ

3. So I stood to give thanks for blessings, spreading them far and wide, in both prose and verse,
Until I filled all of Allah's lands, singing the praises of the radiant refuge, against all troubles,

٣. وواهِبَ المُدْن والأمْصار حاشدةً
بغير مَنٍّ ولا مَطْلٍ ولا نَدَمِ

4. With his guidance and comfort illuminating and dispelling the darkness of oppression and gloom,
And if you would bestow completion of gifts, you could remove all impurities from the essence of generosity,

٤. هوى لي الجودُ من كفَّيْكَ مُنهمراً
كما استهلَّ مُسِفُّ العارض الرَّذمِ

5. You remain building and raising glory, so whatever you plant endures, never to crumble.

٥. فقمْتُ بالشكر للنَّعْماء أنْشُرهُ
مُفوَّهاً بين مَنْثورٍ ومُنْتَظِمِ

٦. حتى مَلأتُ بلادَ اللّهِ قاطِبَةً
بمدحِ أبْلَج مِعْوانٍ على الإِزَم

٧. بمُسْتَضيءٍ مُحَيَّاهُ وراحَتُهُ
يُجلِّيانِ كُروبَ الظُّلْم والظُّلَم

٨. وللنَّوالِ تَمامٌ إِنْ مَنَنْتَ بهِ
صَرفت شوْبَ القذى عن خالص الكرم

٩. بَقيتَ للمجْدِ تَبْنيهِ وترْفَعُهُ
فما ينْبتَ فباقٍ غيرُ مُنْهَدِمِ