1. Is it a sword unsheathed or lightning flashing bright?
Or is it Abu Al-Muhannad's fire ablaze with light?
١. أسَيْفٌ سُلَّ أمْ ذَرِبٌ نطوق
ونارُ أبي المُهَنَّدِ أمْ بُروقُ
2. Eulogies and gifts all gleam and shine,
Each like the dawn radiating from its niche.
٢. تألَّقَتِ المَدائِحُ والعَطايا
فكلٌّ في الفَخارِ لهُ شُروقُ
3. My poetry astounded eloquent men when recited,
And freely flowed the plenteous, gushing rain.
٣. نطْقتُ فأفْحمَ الفُصحاءَ شعري
وجادَ فَدونهُ الغْيثُ الدَّفوقُ
4. Zuheir was blessed, being of Tamim's line,
And best of all blessings is praise men find fine.
٤. لقد سعدتْ زُهيْرٌ منْ تميمٍ
وخيرُ سَعادةٍ حَمْدٌ يَروقُ
5. With Indian blades to eulogize me they aspired,
Though some may be gifted a sword of steel so fine.
٥. بهنْديٍّ إِلى مدْحي تَرقَّوْا
وقد يُهْدي بخِرِّيتٍ فَريقُ
6. Gentle of mien, fierce of might, brave and bold,
Among comrades is he whom youths extol.
٦. بسهْلِ الوجه صعْب البأس جلْدٍ
على الحَدثانِ يحْمدهُ الرَّفيقُ
7. They fear his might and the flash of his hands
Like the steed's ferocity and the blade that makes men howl.
٧. يُحاذر بأسَهُ ونَدى يديهِ
كَميُّ الرَّوْع والمَحْلُ العَروق
8. To bring gladness to his abode at dawn
Is a heap of straw gathered in night's dark shoal.
٨. فيشْقى الدارِ عُونَ به صباحاً
وكومٌ تحت جُنْحِ الليلِ روقُ
9. Certainty of death the foe realized
When his keen blade for them would dawn and shine.
٩. تيَقَّنَتِ الفَناءَ عِدىً واِبْلٌ
اذا يبدو لصارمهِ بُروقُ
10. As if Fakhr Al-Din's guests were his sons,
Whom a righteous father, benign, would enfold.
١٠. كأنَّ ضيوفَ فخر الدينِ وُلْدٌ
يَضمُّهُمُ أبٌ بَرٌّ شَفيقُ
11. He hungers while food for them is righteousness and lamb,
And he lightly clad while their garb is fine.
١١. يجوعُ وزادُهمْ بُرٌّ وضَأنٌ
ويعْرَوْري ولِبْسُهمُ الرَّقيقُ
12. When night was pitch black with its sneaking thieves,
A cheerful dawn from it would shine.
١٢. اذا الليلُ اكفَهرَّ بطارقيهِ
تَبلَّجَ منهُ بَسَّامٌ طَليقُ
13. The sayl refreshes the greatest among them,
Or a plenteous sabuħ would them entwine.
١٣. يُروِّي القَيْلُ أعْظمهم لديهِ
ويْرْغِدهمْ صَبوحٌ أو غَبوقُ
14. They crowd together where his protection lies
As if the harem's path they tread and align.
١٤. ويزدحمون عند ذَرا حِماهُ
كأنَّ حَريمَ مَنْزلهِ طَريقُ
15. A mounted band of the Ghiyath's attack
So crammed the wide field would confine.
١٥. وجيَّاش الغوار ذي زَهاءٍ
يضيقُ بجيشهِ المَرْتُ السَّحيقُ
16. On his heroes garb of death is glory,
To meeting him they rush with design.
١٦. عُبابيٌّ لباسُ الموتِ فيه
لدى أبْطالهِ لُجٌّ عَميقُ
17. His chargers, his advance guard, and his blood
From their springs flow out in a line.
١٧. سَوابحُه سَوابقُه ومنهُ
عيونُ دَمٍ مَنابعُها العُروقُ
18. So congested his two lines the field,
That the thrusting and piercing made it confine.
١٨. يَضيقُ القاعُ منْ صفَّيْهِ حتى
تَشكَّى طَرْدهُ رَعْنٌ ونيقُ
19. Swords flash brightly upon his white steeds
As if the blows between them were fire divine.
١٩. تميسُ على مَذاكيهِ كُماةٌ
كأنَّ الضَّرْبَ بينهمُ حَريقُ
20. They accept death with proud disdain
As if the death-drink for them is fine wine.
٢٠. يُسيغونَ المَنيَّةَ منْ إباءٍ
كأنَّ شَرابَ موتهمُ رَحيقُ
21. Valiant heroes, mourning-clad, Arab steeds raced,
And sturdy bows with taut strings align.
٢١. دِلاصٌ سابغٌ وظُبيَ حِدادٌ
وخَيْلٌ سُبَّقٌ وقَناً لُحوقُ
22. I routed them with the Shammary's brave attack,
So tribulations diminished and straits did decline.
٢٢. هزمْتهمُ بحملةِ شَمَّريٍّ
فهانَ الخطُبُ واتَّسعَ المَضيقُ
23. I swear, if you descended on arid sands,
The fresh boughs would manifold twine.
٢٣. وأقسمُ لو نزلْتَ بجدْبٍ قاعٍ
تَفرَّعَ عندهُ العودُ الوَريقُ
24. If the boulders of Tud touched your hands,
The remnants and fragments apart would recline.
٢٤. ولو لمَسَتْ بداكَ صُخورَ طوْدٍ
لَطاحَ الرِّيمُ والوَعَلُ الفريقُ
25. As if you, by your noble deeds,
Are urged and inspired glory to gain and shine.
٢٥. كأنَّكَ بالمكارِمِ والمَعالي
وكسبِ المجدِ مشعوفٌ مَشوقُ
26. Your praise's feast returns your lover,
As the guest accustomed returns to dine.
٢٦. يعودكَ منْ هَواها عيدُ مَدْحٍ
كما يعتادُكَ الضَّيْفُ الطَّروقُ
27. Those who love are gladdened, as you are a joyous youth,
By your sweet mention - nothing more fine!
٢٧. تَسَلَّى العاشقونَ وأنتَ صَبٌّ
بطيبِ الذكْرِ وجْدُكَ ما يُفيقُ
28. You have judged my poetry, so its choice parts
And its rubbish to you I assign.
٢٨. لقد حُكِّمْتَ في شعري فأضْحى
لكَ الماثورُ منه والزَّنيقُ
29. And I care not for men, though great in lineage -
If stingy their souls, I decline!
٢٩. وأعْرضَ عنْ رجالٍ أهْلِ عِزٍّ
سَما عنهمْ فُبخْلُهمُ نَتوقُ