
When the valley overflowed with his presence,

اذا غص الندي بحاضريه

1. When the valley overflowed with his presence,
The free man of life from settler and protector,

١. اذا غصَّ النَّديُّ بحاضريهِ
سَراةِ الحي من قارٍ وحامِ

2. And you met efforts with efforts,
And the station of pride was distinguished from the station,

٢. وقوبلتِ المساعي بالمساعي
وميزَ مقامُ فخْرٍ عن مَقامِ

3. I saw the brilliance of religion in them
Like the dawn's foreglow from the gloom of darkness,

٣. رأيت عُلا بهاءِ الدينِ منهمْ
كَرَأدِ الصُّبح من غسق الظَّلام

4. Brave when the resting places prophesy,
Generous when the clouds depart,

٤. جريءٌ حينما تنبو المَواضي
جوادٌ عند اِخْلافِ الغمامِ

5. A young man like the turbulent earthquake in determination,
And in wisdom more sagacious than a chief,

٥. فتىً كالزعزع الهوجاء عَزْماً
وعند الحلم أرجحُ من شَمامِ

6. He joins the harshness of stubbornness with power,
To a character more gentle than wine,

٦. يضمُّ قساوةَ الجُلمودِ بأساً
إِلى خُلُقٍ أرقَّ من المُدامِ

7. He passes when the enemies provoke him,
And is delicate in generosity and regret,

٧. يمرُّ اذا تُشاغبهُ الأعادي
ويعذبُ في المكارم والنِّدامِ

8. Abu Al-Fadl, the one referred to for his brilliance,
A boy before the age of puberty,

٨. أَبو الفضل المُشارُ إلى عُلاهُ
غُلاماً قبلَ سِنِّ الاِحتْلامِ

9. The wilds fear his young lions,
And his anger terrifies the ferocity of pigeons,

٩. تخافُ شَبا مزابرهِ العَوالي
ويرهبُ سُخْطهُ بأسُ الحِمامِ

10. So congratulated is every month when
His superiority over the sacred month comes to him.

١٠. فهُنِّيَ كل شهرٍ حَلَّ فيه
به فضلاً عن الشَّهرِ الحَرامِ