
Muhammad, his deeds abundant, his prohibitions plenteous,

محمد الأفعال موفور النهى

1. Muhammad, his deeds abundant, his prohibitions plenteous,
His favors copious, his virtues sublime,

١. مُحْمَدُ الأفْعالِ موفورُ النُّهى
سابغُ النَّعْماء عُلْويُّ الشِّيَمْ

2. Faces shine in his presence,
Like lightning flashes in the darkness of night.

٢. يلْمَعُ البِشْرُ على أعْطافِهِ
لَمَعانَ البرْقِ في غُرِّ الدِّيَمْ

3. Lofty is his glory, exalted his worth,
Skillful is his speech, prolific his pen,

٣. شامِخُ المَجْد مُنيفٌ قدْرُهُ
راجِحُ الحَبْوَةِ طيَّاشُ القلَمْ

4. Valiant if calamities descend,
Articulate if adversaries contend.

٤. باسِلٌ إِنْ نَزلَ الخطبُ حَمى
قائلٌ إِنْ جادَلَ اللُّدَّ خَصَمْ

5. Shunning the abode of disgrace, his place
The abode of the noble and glory always,

٥. نازِحٌ عن موْطِنِ العارِ لهُ
مَوْطنُ العَلْياءِ والمَجْدِ أمَمْ

6. He is a towering mountain in his patience
And composure, a sword if he is resolved.

٦. هو طَوْدٌ راسِخٌ في حِلْمِهِ
وتأنِّيهِ وسَيْفٌ إِنْ عَزَمْ

7. The stars are humbled by his loftiness,
Before Abu Ja'far the high-aspiring,

٧. يخْجلُ النَّجْمُ على رِفْعَتِهِ
من أبي جعفرٍ العالي الهِمَمْ

8. And dawn wishes from his brilliance
A radiance to banish the wings of darkness.

٨. ويَوَدُّ الصُّبْحُ مِنْ لألآئهِ
لمْعَةً تُؤمِنُهُ جُنْحَ الظُّلَمْ

9. O minister whose hours were filled
With clamor and dearth, valor and generosity!

٩. يا وزيراً مُلِئَتْ ساعاتُهُ
للوَغى والجدْبِ بأساً وكَرَمْ

10. He who prays devoutly to God, if
His ambitions are fulfilled, is never cast down.

١٠. والذي يُخْبِتُ للّهِ إذا
نالَ مَسْعاهُ مَحلاًّ لمْ يُرَمْ

11. Happy the fast and what follows it,
Which guided the journey of the standard forever.

١١. هُنِّيءَ الصَّومُ وما يُعْقِبُهُ
أبداً ما أرْشَدَ السَّفْرَ عَلَمْ

12. Through you in lengthy survival secure,
Beyond it misfortune, blind and deaf.

١٢. بِكَ في طُولِ بَقاءٍ آمِنٍ
دونَهُ الحادثُ أعْمى وأصَمْ