1. He bestows eloquence and fluency together
So praise between generosity and good news
١. يَهَبُ الطَّلاقَةَ والنَّوالَ مَعاً
فالحمدُ بين الجودِ والبِشْرِ
2. And he surpasses what the predecessors erected
So glory between effort and success
٢. ويَفوقُ ما شادَتْ أوائلُهُ
فالمجدُ بين السَّعْي والنَّجْرِ
3. His determination overwhelms the army of orators
And war with courage and patience
٣. وتَفُلُّ جيشَ الخطْبِ هِمَّتُهُ
والحرْبُ بالإقْدامِ والصَّبْرِ
4. His wealth for support and good deeds
And steadfast victory for triumph
٤. للرِّفْدِ والمعروفِ ثَرْوَتُهُ
والنَّجْدَةُ القَعْساءُ للنَّصْرِ
5. The pillar of guidance and religion is their coat
The chest of time and the only one of the age
٥. عَضُد الهُدى والدِّين رِدْؤهُما
صَدْرُ الزَّمانِ وواحِدُ العصْر
6. A chest, if its virtues are tested
The gardens of sorrow overflow with blossom
٦. صَدْرٌ إذا بُلِيَتْ مَناقِبُهُ
فضلَتْ رياضَ الحَزْن في النَّشْر
7. The club is fragrant with his biography
The perfume merchants have unpacked their perfume
٧. يتأرَّجُ النَّادي بسيرَتِهِ
فضَّ التِّجارِ عَتائدَ العِطْرِ
8. In his hand, patience and generosity
The softly blowing wind and the setting sun
٨. في دَسْتِهِ صَبْراً ومكْرُمَةً
رَعْنُ الأشَمِّ وغارِب البَحْرِ
9. And he has in peace and battle
The endurance of boulders and the softness of wine
٩. ولهُ لَدى سَلْمٍ ومُعْتَرَكٍ
جَلَدُ الصُّخورِ ورِقَّةُ الخمْر
10. His composure and help have been protected
From the suspicions of slander and arrogance
١٠. سَلِمَتْ رَزانَتُهُ ونَجْدَتُهُ
منْ شُبْهَةِ النَّزَقاتِ والكِبْرِ
11. And his favors were generous
Beyond a pause that leaned toward excuse
١١. وتكَرَّمَتْ نُعماهُ آنِفَةً
عنْ وقْفةٍ جَنَحتْ إلى عُذْرِ
12. So his chastity and aspirations
Are like a torrent that does not deviate from the abyss
١٢. فَعُفاتُهُ وادٍ ونائلُهُ
كالسَّيْلِ لا يُثْنى عنِ القَعْرِ
13. The minister, the chest, remained as long as
The vanguards of dawn dispelled the darkness of night
١٣. بقيَ الوزيرُ الصَّدْرُ ما طردَتْ
سُدَفَ الظَّلامِ طَلائعُ الفَجْر