1. You have lived as the pillar of the faith, showering blessings,
Giving freely, defending the sacred,
١. عِشْتَ قُطب الدين هطَّال النَّدى
باذِلَ المَعْروفِ مَنَّاعَ الحِمى
2. Striking with your hands whether in peace or war,
Wherever you were, providing plentifully.
٢. هاطِلَ الكَفَّينِ سَلْماً ووَغىً
حيثُما كُنتَ نَوالاً ودَما
3. You reveal the two darkest nights with your brilliance,
A glowing full moon dispelling the gloom.
٣. تكشِفُ اللَّيْلَينِ منْ نَقعِهما
عِثْيراً جَوْناً ونَقْعاً أقْتَما
4. You have surpassed the valiant warriors, honorable and courageous,
Preferring the sword, lethal when unsheathed.
٤. فلقد فُقْتَ الغَوادي حُفَّلاً
وفضلتَ السَّيفَ عَضباً مِخْدَما
5. Shame turns its face from you,
While glory walks on before you.
٥. يعْرضُ العارُ فتَلْوي مُعْرِضاً
وتَرى المجْدَ فتمضي قُدُما
6. When you set out to destroy the enemy host,
You return again and again to decimate their forces.
٦. وإذا رُحْتَ مُبيداً للْعِدى
عُدْتَ كَرَّاراً تُبيدُ الإِزَما
7. You have always given generously, profitably,
Fulfilling every need, till needs existed no more.
٧. لم تَزَلْ تُعْطي عَطاءً رابِحاً
سابِغاً حتى عَدِمتَ العَدما
8. When the fury of battle plunges your steeds into the fray,
They grind the blossoms with their fierce charge.
٨. وإذا خَيْلُكَ أظْماها الوَغى
طَوَتِ الوِرْدَ النَّميرَ الشَّبِما
9. Then they arrive at the field of combat, eager from the pool of courage,
Quenching their thirst before tasting the blood of the slain.
٩. فورَدْنَ الغَمْرَ من نبْعِ الطُّلى
قانياً ثُمَّ رَعَيْنَ اللِّمَما
10. There the feast lasts forever, and more feasts besides,
As long as water continues to flow in the river bed.
١٠. فهنَاكَ العيدُ بل أمْثالُهُ
سَرْمَداً ما نَقَعَ الماءُ الظَّما