1. O noble steed, you have excelled in attaining glory,
And God has kept you from stumbling into harm.
١. يا جَواداً مُحْرِزاً سَبْقَ العُلى
والنُّهى جَنَّبكَ اللّهُ العِثارا
2. God has protected you from the whims of fate,
Never failing to aid those journeying afar.
٢. وحماكَ اللّهُ من صرْفِ الرَّدى
أبداً ما أنْجدَ السَّاري وغارا
3. You have remained through time endowed with glory,
Granting wishes or protecting those in need.
٣. وبقيتَ الدهرَ موفورَ العُلى
تبذلُ النَّائل أو تحمي الذِّمارا
4. You were a youth among the noble ones, o valiant,
Excelling your people in strife and endeavor.
٤. فُقْتَ أبْناءَ المَعالي يافِعاً
وشَأوْتَ القومَ سَعْياً ونِجارا
5. Your resolve has surpassed the spear in action,
And you have excelled the mountains in patience and dignity.
٥. وسبقْتَ الرُّمْحَ عَزْماً ماضياً
وفضَلْتَ الطَّوْدَ صبراً ووقَارا
6. O you whose heart is free of any deceit and sees
The frauds of opinions as sins and disgrace.
٦. يا سَليمَ القلبِ منْ غِشٍّ يَرى
خُدَعَ الآراءِ آثاماً وعارا
7. And he who belittles what you have generously given
Sees paltriness and scarce oceans.
٧. والذي يُصْغِرُ ما أجْزَلَهُ
فيرى الرَّدْهَةَ والقَلْتَ البحارا
8. So if an abundant cloak is borrowed from you,
Of a love most generous in apologizing its giving.
٨. فإذا اسْتَنْزَرَ دَثْراً فائضاً
من حِباءٍ أوسعَ الجودَ اعْتِذارا
9. The pillar of religion whose benevolence
Has never ceased being sincere and abundant.
٩. عَضُدُ الدينِ الذي إِحْسانُهُ
لم يزَلْ في المَحْلِ ودْقاً وقُطارا
10. And there is fasting and breakfasting as long as
The night unveils a horizon and lightens.
١٠. وهنَاكَ الصَّومُ والإِفْطارُ ما
أسْفَر الليلُ بأفْقٍ واسْتَنارا