1. Lower your voices, death comes only at its appointed time
And beware of me, the sword precedes justice
١. خفِّضا لا موتَ اِلا بأجَلْ
واحذراني سَبَقَ السيفُ العذلْ
2. And answering the call of war horses at dawn
With blows to the skull or stabs of the spear
٢. ورِدا بي كبَّةَ الخيلِ ضُحىً
لضرابِ الهامِ أو طعنِ المُقَلْ
3. And remember me by my spear, which is only
A pretense of peace and deceit
٣. واذكراني بتراتي انما
هُدْنةُ الحَيِّ رياءٌ ودَخَلْ
4. Do not think my laughter is from joy
For the tooth shows excessive mirth
٤. لا تَظُنَّا ضَحِكي عن طَربٍ
فالسَّنا يُخْبرُ عن فرْط الشُّعل
5. I am weary of the sons of vileness, yet
My poetry left no complaint unsung
٥. ضِقتُ ذرعاً ببني اللُّؤمِ فما
تَركَتْ شكوايَ للشعر غَزلْ
6. And tomorrow my censure of them
Will preoccupy speech, not the loose tooth
٦. وغَدا ترتيلُ ذمي لهمُ
شاغِلَ القولِ عن الثَّغر الرَّتلْ
7. The bosoms of the people, if probed
O brother Sufyan, show pride and stinginess
٧. مِلءُ اُهْبِ القومِ اِنْ فتَّشتها
يا أخا سُفْيانَ كِبْرٌ وبَخلْ
8. They are ignorant of me, though the eminent
Know my status in attacks and disputes
٨. جهلوني والعُلى عارفةٌ
بمقامي في نِزالٍ وجَدَلْ
9. And the lofty were content for them
While the summit of glory was disputed
٩. واطْمأنَّتْ لهم عُلويَّةٌ
دونَ أقْصاها من المجْد زُحَلْ
10. So they turned away and said failure
May evil befall the speaker of vain lies
١٠. فتولَّوا ثُمَّ قالوا فَشِلٌ
ولأمِّ القائِل الزُّورَ الهَبَلْ
11. The sword remains sheathed until it is called for
And the serpent is not grabbed until it is restrained
١١. يُغْمدُ الصارمُ حتى يُنتضي
ولا يُجَمُّ اللَّدنُ حتى يُعْتَقَلْ
12. And of resolve there is composure, so be patient
For the turns of fate and grave matters
١٢. ومن العَزْمِ أناةٌ فاصْطبِرْ
لصروِ الدهر والخطبِ الجَللْ
13. My lack of patience is no indication
Rather fury gradually gives way to burden
١٣. ليس فرطُ الصبر مني دِلَّةً
بل رويداً يلحقُ الهَيْجا حَمَلْ
14. The horse calms in its excitement
While behind excitement lies a swift bird
١٤. يسكنُ الراشقُ في نزْعَتهِ
ورواءَ الرَّشْقِ طيَّارٌ عَجِلْ
15. How can resolve escape one whose forefathers
Are the finest of glory and nobility from Tameem
١٥. كيف يعدو العزمُ مَنْ آباؤه
منْ تميمٍ صفْوةُ المجدِ النُّبُلْ
16. The grafted ones when glory is difficult
And the grafters when calamity is severe
١٦. المَطاعيمُ إِذا عَزَّ الحيَا
والمَطاعينُ إِذا جَدَّ الوَهَلْ
17. The leaders when ruin is dreaded
And the daggers when drought takes hold
١٧. والمَقاديمُ إِذا هيبَ الرَّدى
والمساميحُ إِذا الجدْبُ أظَلْ
18. Subduing their necks is easy prey
Crawling on the ground, their garments trailing
١٨. غُلُبُ الأعْناقِ فيهم صَيَدٌ
يُلْحفون الأرض هُدَّابَ الحَلل
19. Among attackers in thick battle
And obeyed in easy comfort
١٩. بين خوّاضِ غِمارٍ باسِلٍ
ومُطاعٍ في نديٍّ مُحْتفِلْ
20. Think not us neglectful of help
Nor lacking in hosting guests
٢٠. لا ترانا غُفُلاً عن نجْدةٍ
لا ولا فينا عن الضَّيْفِ كَسَلْ
21. My determination wandered from glory's path
And when the gaze wanders, it is humbled
٢١. طالَ اِجمامي عن شأو المَدى
واذا يُرتبطُ الطِّرْفُ صَهلْ
22. My sojourn wearied my family
Neighbors of Baghdad, and the likes of me are not wearied
٢٢. ولقد مَلَّ مُقامي أسْرتي
جارَ بغدادَ ومثْلي لا يُملْ
23. So smell its temples smiling
At the white forelocks and hands of youth
٢٣. فشِموا عارضَها مُبْتسماً
عن ظُبى البيض وأطرافِ الأسلْ
24. Fate brought me low, though my ambition was lofty
To the point that my back became bent
٢٤. دانيَ الهيدبِ عُلْويَّ المَدى
حالكاً يغدو له الظُّهْرُ طَفَلْ
25. Thundering, though rising was difficult for him
But when rising was called for, he poured down
٢٥. راعِداً ما ارتفعَ الطَّرْد به
فإذا ما ارتفعَ الضْربُ هَطَلْ
26. In the eyes of the brave, he brings confusion
While in the eyes of steeds, he brings submission
٢٦. في عيونِ الحُمْسِ منه شَوَشٌ
وعيونِ الخيلِ فيهنَّ قَبَلْ
27. Death hovers around its outskirts
With Indian blades among them mixed
٢٧. يكْلَحُ الموتُ على أرْجائهِ
بِلدانِ السُّمُرِ فيهنَّ خَطَلْ
28. Whenever the chief observed him
He made the spears crave his stabbing
٢٨. كلما لاحظه سِيدُ المَلا
عاسِلَ الأرْماحِ للطَّعن عَسَلْ
29. None escaped his early start except what
Ejected its rider before the remainder
٢٩. تختلي سُبَّقهُ ما لَفظتْ
بيضُه من رَجِلٍ قبل النَّفَلْ
30. Where slashing in shade sought no covert
And stabbing sought no restraint
٣٠. حيث لا الضرب اختلاساً في الطُّلى
للغَطاريفِ ولا الطَّعْنُ غَلَلْ
31. A day of glory where his victory
Resembled the victory of the oppressed over the subjugator
٣١. يومُ عزٍّ اشْبهتْ نُصْرتُه
نصر عز الدين للجار الأذَلْ
32. Open-handed, defending honor
To a guest who feared or traveler who lodged
٣٢. باذلُ الجودِ ومنّاعُ الحِمى
لنزيلٍ خافَ أو ضيفٍ نزَلْ
33. And the envious among them
Are the pourers of poison and pit vipers
٣٣. والذي يَحْسدهُ عندهُما
ساكبُ الدِّيمةِ والعَضْبُ الأفلْ
34. So when he helped or was generous, his land
Brought affliction and gifts to the people
٣٤. فإذا أنْجدَ أو جادَ جَرتْ
أرضُه للقوم بأساً ونِحَلْ
35. Firm, forebearing in disposition
When roused, he kills
٣٥. راسِخٌ يحلُم في حَبْوتهِ
فإذا ما ركبَ العزْمَ قَتلْ
36. He was raised on the chest of one of peril
Praiseworthy company, protected from slips
٣٦. زُرَّ بُردْاهُ على ذي خَطَرٍ
مُحْمَدِ الصُّحْبةِ مأمون الزَّلل
37. So the young man aspired to glory
And refused all but the highest peaks
٣٧. فَرعَ المَجْدَ غُلاماً يافِعاً
فأبى اِلا الأعالي والقُلَلْ
38. Halving his waistband from seeking exaltation
While among the living, he was dignified and kind
٣٨. ناصفُ المِئْزرِ من كسب العُلى
وهو في الحي سَحوبٌ ورَفِلْ
39. Good tidings to him, and ease is his nature
Enriching his guests, sparing them begging
٣٩. بِشرهُ والسَّهْلُ من أخْلاقهِ
أغْنَيا ضيفانهُ عن َحيَّهَلْ
40. A doer, not just talk, so when
He speaks good of his pursuers, he acts
٤٠. فاعِلٌ غيرُ قَؤولٍ فإذا
قال خيراً لُمِرجيِّهِ فَعلْ
41. A speaker whose conciseness is charming
But if elaborated, the charm is broken
٤١. قائِلٌ يَسْحرُ منْ ايجازهِ
فاذِ أسْهب فالسحرُ الأحَلْ
42. The horseman is delighted by his signals
Like the drinker's delight in song
٤٢. يَطْربُ الراشِقُ في أنْملهِ
طرب الشاربِ بالصوت الرَّمَلْ
43. So it was as if his gestures spoke
Conveying meaning to the keenest mind
٤٣. فَصُحَتْ حتى الاشاراتُ لهُ
توصِلُ المعنى إلى الفَهْم الأكَلْ
44. He is an ocean of knowledge and brilliance
And a mountain in wisdom and patience
٤٤. هو بحرٌ من عُلومٍ ونَدىً
وهو في الحلم وفي الصَّبْر جَبلْ
45. Rough in might, but no tyranny in him
Gentle to the touch, far from feeble
٤٥. خَشِنُ البطْشَةِ لا بَغْيَ بهِ
لَيِّنُ الملمس من غير فَشَلْ
46. Still in his composure
While hastening at appropriate times
٤٦. ساكِنُ العِطْفِ على اِقْدامهِ
فالمضاءُ الرَّيْث والرَّيثُ عجلْ
47. So time fell short of their excellence
And the pride in them was perfected by the youth
٤٧. فَخَرَ الدهرُ بِنَو شَرْ وانهِ
وأتمَّّ الفخرَ منه من نَجَلْ
48. The excellent, loyal to his forebears
Ever rising as they sought glory
٤٨. نَجَلَ الموفي على آبائهِ
كلما شادوا تسامى وأَطَلْ
49. So from his sheikh he has kindness
And from the sword, when brandished, severing
٤٩. فلهُ من شيخهِ ألطافُه
ومن السيف إِذا هُزَّ قَصَلْ
50. O clan of Khalid, praise to you
Is eternal, while stars set and fade
٥٠. يا بني خالِدٍ المَدحُ لكمْ
خالدٌ ما لاحَ نجمٌ وأفَلْ
51. And misguided in the darkness of night
Hastening doom, nearing departure
٥١. وخَبوطٍ في دُجى مُعْتمةٍ
عَجِلِ الشَّدِّ وشيكِ المُرْتحلْ
52. Wrongful, though if the path called him
He would lose the way, erring and straying
٥٢. جائرٍ لو هَتفَ النَّهْجُ بهِ
لأضاعَ القصْدَ ضُرّاً وأضَلْ
53. Arrogant, though if withered
He would go on, blood-stained and gloomy
٥٣. مُسْنتٍ طارتْ به مُجْدِبةٌ
فسرى يخْضبُ خُفّاً واِطَلْ
54. Steadfast in the valleys of departure, if
Told to depart, he would say, I shall endure
٥٤. ثابتٍ في شُعَبِ الرَّحْلِ إِذا
قيلَ ألْقى رحْلهُ قيلَ احْتملْ
55. He paired fear with seeking refuge
For without fear he would be prone to perdition
٥٥. قَرنَ الذُّعْرَ إلى مَسْغَبةٍ
فهو لو لا الخوفٌ موهونٌ أكَلْ
56. Deeming the waters bitter and murky
Though its echo alone an army with banners
٥٦. يحْسبُ المَوْردَ آلاً لامِعاً
وصداهُ الفرد جيشاً ذا زَجَلْ
57. With a naked fugitive, crafty and cunning
The wary are wary of his blaze
٥٧. بِعَراءٍ نازِحٍ ذي غَرَرٍ
يحذرُ القانصُ منه ما اشمَعَلْ
58. Jinn play at the edges of his mind
For from specters comes his confusion
٥٨. تلْعبُ الجِنَّانُ في أجْوازِهِ
فبساريه من الطَّيْفِ خَبَلْ
59. Thought of you turned back his hopes
So resolve in him became firm and determined
٥٩. كَرَّ ذِكْراكُم على آمالهِ
فاستمرَّ العزمُ منه واسْتقَلْ
60. And each free man came with a name
Preserving bounty, greening the region
٦٠. فأتى كُلَّ طَليقٍ باسمٍ
مانعِ الحوْزَةِ مُخْضَرِّ المَحلْ
61. You then protected after enriching
Just as the torrent enriches as it comes
٦١. فَحميْتُمْ بعدما أغْنيْتُمُ
وكذا الحافل يُغْني اِذْ أظَلْ
62. O namesake of the Chosen One, may I have
Prolonged days from my hopes being met
٦٢. يا سَمِيَّ المُصطفى بَرَّحَ بي
مَطْلُ أيامي بتحقيق الأملْ
63. And my return in another time
With my superiority to the virtues of the past
٦٣. وَورودي في زَمانٍ آخِرٍ
مع تبريزي على فضلِ الأوَلْ
64. And my cycles, a generation's span
Whose virtues to them are diminished
٦٤. ومداراتي جِيْلاً سُوَقاً
ناقصُ الحيِّ لديهم من فَضَلْ
65. So if hopes in them are dashed
By the day of vengeance in stabbing, slashes
٦٥. فَلَئِنْ ضاقَ رَجائي فيهُمُ
فبيوم الثَّأرِ في الطَّعْنِ نَجَلْ
66. The abode of glory was perfumed and filled
By the son of Tharad, his might and merits
٦٦. تضوَّع نادي المجد طيباً وملؤهُ
من ابن طِرادٍ بأسهُ وفواضِلُهْ
67. Bitter of power, of Adnan's clan, paired
With generosity, his biting blade and gifts
٦٧. مرير القوى من آل عدنان رائحٌ
مع الجودِ تشْقى نيبهُ وعواذلُهْ
68. His sword of munificence is entrusted with praise
Feared in suddenness, hoped for in extras
٦٨. يُناط نِجادا سيفه بمُمدَّحٍ
تُخاف عواديه وتُرجى نوافِلهْ
69. If the great sin is huge, he forgives
And if the tremendous debt weighs, he carries it
٦٩. إِذا عَظُم الذنب الجليلُ فصافحٌ
واِنْ فَدحَ الغُرم الثقيلُ فحاملهْ
70. A cloud of blessings, abundant his bestowal
And his good tidings to the hopeful, his promises
٧٠. سَحابٌ من النعماءِ جَمٌّ نوالُهُ
ومن بِشْرهِ للمُعتفينَ مَخائلهْ
71. He disappoints the critic of his faults and slander
And is true in the traits of nobility, their hopes
٧١. يُخيَّب باغي عيْبهِ واغْتيابهِ
ويصدقُ في شيم المكارمِ آملهُ
72. The man - his virtues are impenetrable shields
For him, and the protections of revering God, his bastions
٧٢. هو المرء حُسناهُ دروعٌ حصينةٌ
عليه ومن تقوى الاِلهِ معاقلهْ
73. Bearing down when the heat of battle flares up
Delighting when his means converge upon him
٧٣. ضَروبٌ إِذا ما لفَّهُ رهجُ الوغى
طروبٌ إِذا التفَّتْ عليه وسائله
74. He assumed the honor of religion for himself
So where are his equals and where are his adversaries?
٧٤. حوى شرف الدين الفَخارَ لنفسه
فأين مُباريهِ وأين مُساجلهْ
75. It is as if the gardens of sorrow spread his praise
Vast, when praise is returned by the speaker
٧٥. كأنَّ رياض الحزن نشرُ ثنائه ال
عميمِ إِذا ما رجَّع الحمد قائله
76. He who is shaded by clouds of favor in crisis
Though were the rain not to pour, his hands would suffice
٧٦. ومنْ يُمنه سَحُّ الغمامِ بأزْمَةٍ
ولو لم يسحُّ الغيثُ أغنت أنامله