
Do not gloat over one who stumbled and fell

لا تشمتن بمن أسا وهوى

1. Do not gloat over one who stumbled and fell
And ask your Lord to relent his miserable plight

١. لا تَشْمُتنَّ بمن أسا وهَوى
واسْتكْفِ ربَّكَ سوءَ مُنْقلبهْ

2. For gloating is the way of the foolish one
Who is ignorant of fate and asleep to his own faults

٢. إنَّ الشَّماتَة بغْيُ ذي سَفَهٍ
جَهِلَ القضاءَ ونامَ عنْ نِوبهْ

3. How many a tyrant did I wish to see fallen
Yet I wept for him, ensnared as he was

٣. كم ظالِمٍ أحْببتُ صَرْعَتهُ
فبكيْتُهُ ممَّا تورَّطَ بِهْ