1. I obeyed the prohibition in my support and eloquence
So my sword became sheathed and my tongue
١. أطْعتُ النُّهى في نجْدتي وبياني
فأصبح سيفي مُغمداً ولساني
2. And I went around until it was said cowardice and sometimes
A resolute person in his matter becomes cowardly
٢. وداريْتُ حتى قيلَ جُبْناً وربما
غَدا حازمٌ في أمره كجبانِ
3. It is the nature of the one who prohibits the soul as an excuse and gets up
With the burdens of the vicissitudes of fate and occurrences
٣. سجية مُنهي النفس عُذراً وناهض
بأعباءِ صرْفِ الدهر والحَدَثان
4. My virtues make the nights and men intimate
Out of loyalty, and who do I have reliability with them
٤. يُبيحُ الليالي والرجال تَهامُمي
وفاءً ومنْ لي عندهم بأمانِ
5. When my commendable qualities appeared refined
My hopes became hesitant and confused
٥. إِذا أصبحت مني سجايا مُهَذَّبٍ
غَدا أملي ذا وقفةٍ وحِرانِ
6. And the period of a covenant passed without preserving it
Harm and harmony met in the arena, two adversaries
٦. ويأربَّ عهدٍ حالَ من دون حِفْظه
أذىً ورَدىً في المُلتقي خصمان
7. After his victory, the alive one showed the hypocrisy
So you do not find a true friend anywhere
٧. أبانَ نِفاقَ الحيِّ بعد انْتصارهِ
فلم تُلْفِ منهم صادقاً بمكانِ
8. I have seen the threats of death without his loyalty
Or poverty and the two conditions are equal
٨. جشمتُ خِطار الموت دون وفائهِ
أو الفَقْرَ والحالانِ مُستَويانِ
9. And patience, some of its burden
Almost causes the tolerant one to collapse and it is of two bowls
٩. وصبرٍ تكادُ الشمُّ من حمل بعضه
تكونُ وهاداً وهي ذاتُ قِنانِ
10. I have set up for it from the desire for praise a shoulder
Standing with the burden of glory not weakening
١٠. نصبت له من رغبة الحمد كاهلاً
نَهوضاً بِعِبءِ المجد ليس بوانِ
11. And I and the people of Iraq, foremost in wealth
United in meaning and separated in source
١١. واني وأبناء العراق أولي الغِنى
لمُجتمعا معنىً ومُفتَرقانِ
12. I walk with them, most adorned and decorated
And we return while the two states are different
١٢. أسايرهُمْ ابهى حُليّاً وزيْنةً
ونرْجِعُ والحالانِ مُختلفانِ
13. To whistles of bliss, its essence
Increases from their blessings in the abdomen
١٣. إِلى صَفِراتٍ من نعيمٍ خماصُها
تُكاثِرُ منْ نَعْمائهم بِبطانِ
14. My needs chase them insistently
And their wealth makes my ambitions covet
١٤. تُطاردُ حاجاتي اليهم أُبِيَّتي
وتعلو غِناهم همَّتي بِتَغانِ
15. If an intelligence inclined me toward them
And an understanding of their injustice and deviation from me
١٥. إِذا عَطفتْني نحوهُمْ ألمَعيَّةٌ
وفَهْمٌ لَواني جَوْرهم وثَناني
16. They love my excellence as long as I conceal my motives
So if I express them, affection dies with hatred
١٦. يودُّون فَضْلي ما كتمتُ مآربي
فانْ بُحْتُ ماتَ الودُّ بالشَّنآنِ
17. And an ear listens to what is indecent
If it is not decent, it will not listen
١٧. ويُصغى له ما لم يكن ذا لُبانَةٍ
فانْ كان لم تُنْصتْ له أذُنانِ
18. And if it weren't for vizier Zainab
It roams the ruins of the desert wasteland
١٨. و لولا الوزيرُ الزَّينبيُّ رحلْتُها
تناهبُ تُرْبَ البيدِ بالوخَدانِ
19. It competes with the ostrich of the desert in distance from harm
And folds the wings of the air in flight
١٩. تُباري نعامَ القفر بُعداً عن الأذى
وتطوي عُقابَ الجوِّ بالطَّيرانِ
20. When I am thirsty and roses are within reach, it avoids
Approaching them, fearing discord
٢٠. إِذا ظمئت والوِردُ دانٍ تنكَّبتْ
حِذارَ الثفاتٍ نحوهُم بجِرانِ
21. It frolics during the time of separation in its meadows
By the breeze of the young tree and tamarisk
٢١. تَمارحُ اِبَّانَ الفِراقِ مِراحَها
بنشْقِ نسيم الشِّيحِ والعَلَجانِ
22. But it was tightened by power and bounty
With the finest elite of the two races
٢٢. ولكنها شُدَّت من البأس والنَّدى
بأروعَ صفوِ العُنصرين هِجانِ
23. With the whitest of the high-born Quraish, hopeful
For the day of bestowal or the day of spears
٢٣. بأبيضَ من عُليا قريشٍ مُؤمَّلٍ
بيومِ نوال أو بيومِ طِعانِ
24. With my soul associating with Him who is present
Even if a condition assisted it would suffice me
٢٤. بمُشركِ نفسي بالذي هو واجِدٌ
ولو ساعدتهُ حالةٌ لكَفاني
25. Noble in nature not wasting time
For resolve and not for the hesitant weakling
٢٥. كريمُ السَّجايا لا بغُمْرٍ مُضيعٍ
لحزمٍ ولا بالعاجز المُتَواني
26. It rivals the fountain of the sun in its light on its face
And surpasses the water of life with clairvoyance
٢٦. يُباري مجنَّ الشمس نورٌ بوجهه
ويفْضلُ مُنْهَلَّ الحَيا ببَنانِ
27. It permits intimacy and refuge generously and prosperity
After they were blocked by weakness so they shine
٢٧. يبيح الدجى والمحْل جوداً ونضرة
وقد سَدِكا وهْناً فَينبلِجانِ
28. Brave when others are not brave
Dignified when judgments are not weighty
٢٨. جريءٌ إِذا الهوْجاءُ غيرُ جريئةٍ
رزينٌ إِذا الأحْكامُ غيرُ رزانِ
29. Its shirt is worn out and its cloak is folded
Against a storm of shaking and separation
٢٩. يُناطُ قميصاهُ ويٌلْوى رداؤهُ
على عاصفٍ من زعزعٍ وأبانَ
30. It sees with its speculation the consequences of its matter
So it avoids them for the enlightened near
٣٠. يرى بتظنِّيه عواقبَ أمْرهِ
فأبْعدُها للألمعيَّةِ دانِ
31. When the opinion becomes manifest in solving a problem
Its information is of proven correctness like sight
٣١. إِذا ما استجال الرأي في حل مشكلٍ
فاخبارهُ من صحَّةٍ كَعيانِ
32. It teaches the swords of sarcasm and its white blades their might
When the two groups meet in the fray
٣٢. يُعلِّم سُمْر الطعن والبيض بأسه
إِذا ما التقى في المأزق الفئتانِ
33. So it goes forth and runs in the throats and in the hills
A young man without error and without deviation
٣٣. فيمضي ويجري في النحور وفي الطلى
شَبا غيرِ خَطِّيٍّ وغيرِ يمانِ
34. And deadly battles whose essence
And the shining of the sword flash
٣٤. وجونٍ من النَّقع المُثارِ دِلاصُه
ولمعُ الظُّبي بًرقانِ يأتلقانِ
35. Dense that makes the atmosphere a hard ground
For which the army sprawls with spreading and separation
٣٥. كثيفٍ يُعيد الجوَّ أرضاً صليبةً
لها الجيشُ داحٍ بالطِّرادِ وبانِ
36. In it, its ferocity and its steeds resemble
Forgetfulness of running and honey are equal
٣٦. تشابه فيه وحْشُه وجيادُه
فسِيانِ فرطُ الركض والعَسلان
37. And its charging of learned war horses
So every tight rein stumbles with its bridle
٣٧. وزاحمتِ الجُرْد المَذاكي ركابه
فكلُّ زمامٍ عاثرٍ بِعنانٍ
38. It shades archers under armors as if
The quivers are rattling beneath them with their arrows
٣٨. يُظلُّ كُماةً في الدروعِ كأنما
تخُبُّ السَّعالي تحتهم برعانِ
39. Determined ones who do not dislike death
When it is declared in the narrow strait
٣٩. مساعيرُ لا يستكرهونَ منيَّةً
إِذا صرَّحتْ في المأزقِ المتَداني
40. Their souls are intimate with war, the closest intimacy
As if they were suckled by it in infancy
٤٠. أوانسُ بالحرب العَوان نفوسهمْ
كأنَّ رضاعاً بينهم بلِبانِ
41. They lent the wind today the heat of their cauldrons
So the noon sun shortened it in coursing
٤١. أعاروا نسيم اليوم حَرَّ ذُحولهم
فأخْصَرهُ الرمْضاءُ في الجولانِ
42. And a determination carried them to the encounter
From which racing horses learn precedence
٤٢. وطارت بهم نحو اللقاء عزيمةٌ
تعلّم منها السَّبق كلُّ حِصانِ
43. With an opinion of correctness and support you revealed
To you the glory and its accompaniment come together
٤٣. كشفت برأيٍ ذي صوابٍ ونجدةٍ
اليك بحمل المجدِ يصطحبانِ
44. And you granted the people's blood to the soil and the land
While their faces are from a predecessor and a maker
٤٤. وهْبت دماء القوم للتَّرب والثَّرى
لأوجُههم عن سابقٍ وسِنانِ
45. So from the dust of battlefields a dusty redness appears
And a redness from the water of the throats, intensely red
٤٥. فأبلجُ من عَفْر المصارع أغْبرٌ
وأحْمَرُ من ماء الحناجر قانِ
46. The nobility of religion took the heights and a resolve circled
With it which was not cultivated for anyone submissive
٤٦. حوى شرف الدين المعالي وحلَّقت
به همَّةٌ لم تُفْتَرعْ لِمُدانِ
47. So it became the refuge of the persecuted and the wealth of
The poor in trial and injustice of time
٤٧. فأصبح مأوى المُسْتجير وثروةَ ال
فقيرِ بِامْحالٍ وجَوْرِ زَمانِ
48. Filling the horizon of the sky in the evening
And in the morning with flowing, radiant smoke
٤٨. من المالئي اُفْقِ السماء عشيَّةً
وصُبحاً بنقْعٍ ساطعٍ ودُخانِ
49. Appointed in their endeavor, those who died for its dignity
To empty bowels and fill graves
٤٩. مُوكَّلةٌ في سعيهمْ عَز مَاتُهمْ
بتفريغِ أجْفانٍ ومِلءِ جِفانِ
50. The hearts of its enemies vie with its generosity
When they are invited to invade in the wavering
٥٠. قلوبُ أعاديهمْ تباري بنودهُمْ
إِذا نُهدوا للغزو في الخَفَقانِ
51. Lamps of the darkness of night, imams of
Guidance, preachers, leaders of paradise
٥١. مصابيحُ ظلماء الدُّجى وأئمَّةُ ال
هُدى ودُعاةٌ قادةٌ لجِنانِ
52. They came to you meeting a hopeful aspiring wealth
And safety of a panic-stricken and active poor
٥٢. أتوا بك مُلفى آملٍ يبتغي الغنى
وعِصْمَةَ مذْعورٍ ومنشطَ عانِ
53. So you were congratulated on the feast which you are foremost
For us in happiness and after you second
٥٣. فهُنِّيتَ بالعيدِ الّذي أنت أوَّلٌ
لنا من سرورٍ وهو بعدك ثانِ