
O swords and spears with bent tips,

يا للصوارم والرماح الذبل

1. O swords and spears with bent tips,
Victory and whoever you have supported will not be failed.

١. يا لَلصَّوارم والرِّماحِ الذُّبَّلِ
نصراً ومَنْ أنجدتُما لم يُخْذَلِ

2. Had you willed with a will conforming to the Divine Will,
Time would have been generous and would not have been miserly with the high positions.

٢. لو شئتما ومشيئةٌ بمشيئةٍ
جادَ الزمانُ وبالعُلى لم يبْخلِ

3. You have debased my honor and the protection of both of you,
To defend the ignoble and help the despised one.

٣. نكَّبْتُما شَرفي وظِلُّ حِماكُما
لحمى الوضيعِ ونُصرة المُسترذل

4. And you disobeyed me in my affairs and said:
Tamim learned and the light cavalry is isolated.

٤. وعصيتماني في الَمرام وقُلْتما
درستْ تميمٌ فالخفارُ بِمَعْزلِ

5. How many kings have departed, so be determined
and the last of them in it will surpass the status of the first.

٥. كم راحَ مُلكٌ فارْعوي بعَزيمةٍ
فَضَلَ الأخيرُ بها مَقامَ الأوَّلِ

6. So suffice with your pride, O compliant one, and know
That for you from my determination I am in the army formation.

٦. فاقْنَيْ فخارَكِ يا مُجاشعُ واعلمي
أنِّي لكمْ من هِمَّتي في جَحْفلِ

7. I am the brave knight of the days of plea
and clamor that I establish with my sword and my saying.

٧. أنا فارسُ اليومين يومِ مقالةٍ
ووغىً أصولُ بصارمي وبمقْولي

8. Indeed, ink and the prolific man both
Are rooted out by battle and crisis.

٨. فالحبْرُ والرجلُ الكميُّ كلاهما
مُسْتأصَلانِ بمعْركٍ وبمُشكلِ

9. Youth has departed so it was said that eminence missed it.
Slow down, for my determination has not departed.

٩. رَحلَ الشبابُ فقيل فاتتهُ العُلى
مَهْلاً فانَّ عزائمي لم تَرْحَلِ

10. Both my old age and youth are equally in veneration,
For that is how it is in achieving every hopeful one.

١٠. سِيَانِ شَيبْي والشَّبابُ تَوّقُّراً
فكذاكَ في ادْراكِ كلِّ مُؤمَّلِ

11. Nobility denied what would disgrace me so I did not spend the night
In fear of the advent of the coming dawn.

١١. كرُمَ الدُّجى عما يشينُ فلم أبتْ
خشْيانَ واشيةِ الصَّباحِ المُقبلِ

12. So if I gained a swimmer from fate I am
A custodian racing with the pride of the first entrusted one.

١٢. فلئنْ أخذتُ من الزمانِ فَسابحٌ
جارٍ بفخر السَّبْقِ أيُّ موكَّلِ

13. And if I aimed then a sword with luster
Its gems were hidden for lack of polishing.

١٣. ولئنْ غرضتُ فصارمٌ ذو رونقٍ
خفيَتْ جواهرُه لفقْدِ الصَّقيلِ

14. And if I am unknown and others describe my poetry
Then the fault is that I am determined and have not shown ignorance.

١٤. ولئن جُهلت وغيرُ شعري واصفي
فالعيْبُ أنِّي حازمٌ لم أجْهَلِ

15. Why have the kings assumed its lofty positions
While I remained in the depth of the lowest abyss?

١٥. ما للملوكِ تسنَّموا شَعَفاتها
ورسبتُ في قعر الحضيض الأسفل

16. If it was about courage then wars and clamor
Or if it was about merit then it is the right of the most meritorious.

١٦. انْ كان بأساً فالمعاركُ والوغى
أو كان فضلاً فهي حقُّ الأفضلِ

17. My merits were wronged just as
The beauty of Jamal al-Din was wronged, the shelter of the wretched one.

١٧. ظلمتْ فضائليَ المَقاولُ مثْلما
ظَلمتْ جمال الدين مأوى العُيَّل

18. They praised him so they could include the virtues of his soul
So it overflowed with praise as the water skin overflows.

١٨. مدحوهُ كي يحووا مناقبَ نفسهِ
فَطمتْ فسالتْ بالمدائحِ منْ عَلِ

19. So I have come to give what I could, and there is no shame
In moving dregs to the place of sale.

١٩. فأتيت أبذل ما استطعت ومنْ بُردْ
نقْلَ الخِضَمِّ إِلى المَزادة يخجل

20. A sun whose light has spread to be an argument
Rather a clear verse has come as evidence from the Sender.

٢٠. شمسٌ من الاحسان عَمَّ ضياؤها
بل أيةٌ جاءَتْ لحُجَّةِ مُرسَلِ

21. Its inimitability is the lack of an equal, and a gentleness
That sufficed the builder, the prolonger.

٢١. اِعجازها عَدمُ النَّظيرِ وصَرْفةٌ
حَسبتْ بنانَ الباذلِ المُتَطوِّلِ

22. So people vary between the generosity of my brother Nada's success
A storyteller, and another one being stingy in gifting.

٢٢. فالناس بين أخي ندى توْفيقهُ
قاصٍ وآخَرُ في العَطاءِ مُبخَّلِ

23. Muhammad's success and generosity
Both compete to the drawn sword.

٢٣. ومُحمدٌ تَوفيقُه ونَوالُه
يتجاريانِ إِلى المُسيفِ المُرْمِلِ

24. He gives generously to those asking his favors
He is charitable with blessings even if he is not asked.

٢٤. يُعطي الجزيلَ لسائلي معروفهِ
يجودُ بالنُّعْمى إذا لم يُسْألِ

25. And the difficulties of life increase his composure
So he becomes the most cheerful face in predicaments.

٢٥. ويزيدهُ شوس الخطوب طَلاقةً
فيكونُ أبْسم ما يُرى في المُعضلِ

26. If the darkness of night masked him
It would not contain him like one showing favor.

٢٦. لو بزَّهُ عافوهُ في خضرِ الدجى
ما ضمَّهُ من لبْسةِ المُتفضلِ

27. Neither severe poverty changed his face
Nor did winter come to him with clenched teeth.

٢٧. لم يُحدِث القُرٌّ العنيفُ بوجههِ
نَدَماً ولو جاءَ الشتاءُ بأفْكلِ

28. Necks weighed down by the blessings of his dew
So the mind is burdened by that weight.

٢٨. ثقلتْ به الأعنْاقُ من منن النَّدى
فالهامُ مُطرقةٌ لذاكَ المُثقلِ

29. So when people meet, their talk
Is about every eyelid closed in shame.

٢٩. فاذا تَلاقي الناس كان حديثُهمْ
عن كل جَفنِ بالخجالةِ مُسدلِ

30. The captives of the minister's favors, all of them
A helper you see him as though shackled.

٣٠. أُسَراءُ معروفِ الوزيرِ فكلُّهمْ
عانٍ تَراهُ مُطلقاً كمُكبَّلِ

31. From Samarkand to Tihama a witness
To the superiority of beauty over the fox with wagging tail.

٣١. من سَمْرَقَنْدَ إِلى تِهامةَ شاهدٌ
فضلَ الجمالِ على الحَيا المُتَهلِّلِ

32. The clouds rain what his existence covers
Flowing while his abode is in Mosul.

٣٢. السُّحبُ تُمطر ما تُظِلُ وجوده
يسري ودارُ مُقامهِ بالمَوْصلِ

33. And the eye of Muhammad is delighted with Muhammad
Reviver of his law and place of descent,

٣٣. وتَقرُّ عينُ مُحمدٍ بمَحَمَّدٍ
مُحيْي دريسيْ شَرْعهِ والمَنزل

34. Builder of his tomb and guardian of his religion,
And helper of his nation with flowing generosity.

٣٤. مِعْمارِ مرْقدهِ وحافِظ دينهِ
ومُعينِ أمتَّهِ بجودٍ مُسْبل

35. He made Medina a populated countryside
Luxuriant, frolicking in adorned bliss.

٣٥. جعل المدينةَ مصْرَ ريفٍ آهِلاً
نشوْانَ يمْرحُ بالنَّعيمِ المُخضلِ

36. So it is as if it became fertile by his gifts
A land on the coast of the chained Euphrates.

٣٦. فكأنها بالخِصْبِ منْ قُرُباتهِ
بلدٌ على شطِّ الفُراتِ السَّلْسلِ

37. If in his time the chapters of the Book were revealed praising him
It would be a patch sewing his shirt and cloak

٣٧. فلو انه في عصرهِ نَزلتْ لهُ
في مدحهِ سُوَرُ الكِتابِ المُنْزلِ

38. With the thickets of Zakhkar and ridges of Yathbul
A servant, brother in his hospitality and love

٣٨. خِرْقٌ يُناطُ قميصهُ ورداؤهُ
بعُبابِ زخَّارٍ وهضبةِ يَذْبُلِ

39. Who does not change and master in the assembly.
If he lodged in a barren desert, his embers lit up

٣٩. عبْدٌ أخٌ في ضيفهِ وودادهِ
لا يستحيلُ وسيدٌ في المَحْفِلِ

40. A back that would be transformed into blossoming spring.
And a spurned outcast whose harm he alleviates

٤٠. لو حلَّ قفراً أوقدتْ رمضاؤهُ
ظُهراً لبُدِّلَ بالربيعِ المُبْقِلِ

41. Fearing it would show him safety like death.
The lands have flourished through him so every bridegroom

٤١. وطريد مُجدبةٍ يُظاهر ضُرَّهُ
خوفٌ يُريهِ أمْنَهُ كالمَقْتلِ

42. Is worried about him, crying "Do not depart!"
The mottled star clusters of its horizons trouble him

٤٢. نَبَتِ البلادُ به فكلُّ مُعَرَّسٍ
قلِقٌ عليه صارِخٌ بتَرَحُّلِ

43. The left side of its Pleiades is ugly like an awl.
Ugly, deprived of its stars, its south

٤٣. عرقتهُ غبراءُ المطالع أزْمةٌ
شوهاءُ عضْبُ شمالها كالمُنْصُلِ

44. Expelled from its atmosphere with arrows.
The blind make up for its tastes

٤٤. شنعاءُ مُخْلِفةٌ النجومِ جَنوبُها
مطْرودةٌ عن جوِّها بالشَّمْألِ

45. With urine and measures rotten colocynth.
The prayers have left with its blinkers and leaders

٤٥. يتعَّوضُ العيْمانُ من مَذَقاتها
بَوْلاً ويقْدِرُ منْ هَبيد الحنظل

46. So the living is not shaken and departing.
If desolation and fertility lodged him

٤٦. ذهبَ الصَّلى بجفانها وقُتودها
فالحيُّ غيرُ مُدعْدعٍ ومُرَحَّل

47. He would make both for others, the earth sprinkler.
I sheltered him so I protected him and aided him

٤٧. تركتْهُ لو حَلَّ النَّعيمَ وخِصبهُ
حوْلاً لغيرهُ اغْبرارُ المُمْحل

48. He became, despite the injustice of fate, inattentive.
Indeed, with the sword of your view you uncovered layers

٤٨. آويتهُ فحميتهُ ورفَدتَهُ
فغَدا بجْورِ زمانه لم يحْفِلِ

49. That copied daylight with pitch black night.
And you returned them to tombs as if their limbs

٤٩. ولقد كشفت بسيف رأيك غَيْهَباً
نسخَ النَّهارَ بليلِ نقْعٍ ألْيَلِ

50. Were piled up with cloud mass and darkness.
They left the water springs while their extremities were thirsty

٥٠. ورددتها قُبْلاً كأنَّ عَجاجَها
بالقاعِ مرْكومُ الغَمام الأكْحلِ

51. And they smelled roses from forgetfulness or colocynth.
They flowed with zeal against the armor as if they were

٥١. تَطْوي الموارد وهي ظامئة الحشا
وتَشيمُ ورْداً من نَساً أو أكْحلِ

52. Jinn of Abqar or soldiers of Ghitl.
They ground the armor on boulders and tied

٥٢. تجري بحُمسٍ في الدروع كأنهم
جِنَّانُ عبْقرَ أو ضَراغمُ غيطل

53. Their resolve on the honeycombed cliffs.
And they dragged the looters fiercely

٥٣. سنُّوا الدروع على الصخور وركَّبوا
عزمانهمْ في المُشْرَعاتِ العُسَّلِ

54. A harmful one who got hold of the tasty meal.
So you sufficed them with a scheme and a stratagem

٥٤. وجروا إِلى الأسلاب شدَّةَ ساغبٍ
ضارٍ تمكَّنَ منْ شهيِّ المَأكلِ

55. That made their homes the dust of al-Qistl.
O Muhammad, I have called you the praised one and the colors

٥٥. فكفيتَهم بمكيدةٍ ورويَّةٍ
جعلتْ ديارهُمُ تُرابَ القسْطلِ

56. Of success are a fair, generous call.
This is the time and these are the opportunities of eminence

٥٦. أمُحمَّدٌ ولقد دعوتُ مُمَدَّحاً
ومن النَّجاح نداءُ سمْحٍ مُفْضلِ

57. And I am the one pointing, so do what seems best.

٥٧. هذا الزمانُ وهذه فُرصُ العُلى
وأنا المُشارُ وما بدا لكَ فافْعَلِ