
The firm one excels in his resolve

يفضل الصارم في عزمته

1. The firm one excels in his resolve
And surpasses mountains in patience and dignity

١. يفْضُل الصَّارمَ في عَزْمتِه
ويَفوقُ الطَّوْدَ حِلْماً ووَقارا

2. He brings back the night and luck when
He is generous whether it dawns or the day shines

٢. ويُعيدُ الليلَ والحَظَّ إذا
جادَ او أسْفَرَ سَعْداً ونَهارا

3. Barren in war and drought when
The mill streams horses and people

٣. عاقِرٌ في الحرب والجدْب إذا
صَرَّحَ الشَّرَّان خيْلاً وعِشارا

4. So the squadrons of his army or his generosity
Fill the horizon with gain and dust

٤. فَسَرايا جيشهِ أو جودِهِ
تمْلأ الأفْقَ نَوالاً وغُبارا

5. They make the smooth ground stirrups for his horses
And the glories of earth be disturbed and ruined

٥. تجعلُ الصَّلْدَ حَوامي خيْلِهِ
وعَزازَ الأرضِ وعْثاً وخَبارا

6. News of excellence an abundant sea of generosity
It exceeded the seas in surge and expanse

٦. خبْرُ فضْلٍ بحرُ جودٍ زاخِرٌ
فَضَ الأحْبارَ طُرَّاً والبِحارا

7. You see him in contention and companionship
Shaming eloquent mouths in excellence and caravans

٧. فتراهُ في جِدالٍ ونَدىً
يُخجلُ الأفْوَه فضلاً والقِطارا

8. And when he rivals glorious men
He is a beacon for the exalted and glory

٨. وإٍِذا مازَ رِجالاً شَرَفٌ
كانَ للعلياءِ والمَجْدِ مَنارا

9. Ahmad the beneficent, Abu Ja'far
He who became well-known for glory

٩. أحمدُ الخَيْرِ أبو جعفرهِ
والذي أصبحَ في المجدِ المُشارا

10. And a minister whom the ages shine for
Like the radiance of perfume sellers

١٠. ووزيرٌ يَأرَجُ الدَّهْرُ به
أرَج التَّجْرِ يَفُضُّونَ العِطارا

11. Every praiser is a garden from his mention
You'd think praise were chamomile and myrtle

١١. كُلَّ نادٍ روْضةٌ منْ ذِكْرِهِ
تحسبُ الذكرَ خُزامى وعَرارا

12. When others change bounty
He makes bounty tender and fresh

١٢. حمدُهُ الذُّخْرَ إذا ما غَيْرُه
جعلَ الذُّخْرَ لُجَيْناً ونُضارا

13. A full moon, his face, and his height shining
Allah has saved him from evil

١٣. بدْرُ وجْهٍ وعُلاً مَشْرِقُهُ
في الوى جَنَّبَهُ اللّهُ السَّرارا

14. Cool and serene in his affection
If you fight him you'd kindle fire

١٤. وبَرودٌ سَلْسَلٌ في وِرْدِهِ
فإذا حارَبْتهُ أضْرَمْتَ نارا

15. His spears refuse any stance
Victory does not benefit pride and force

١٥. أنِفَتْ أرْماحهُ منْ موطِنٍ
لا يُفيدُ النَّصْرَ عِزَّاً واقْتسارا

16. When the fox of a spear finds no home
Slitting necks becomes its neighbor

١٦. فإذا ثَعْلَبُ رُمحٍ لم يَجِد
مَنزلاً كانَ لهُ النَّحْرُ وِجارا

17. Honor of faith, congratulations, for indeed
Praise of Tameem excelled and ventured

١٧. شرفَ الدينِ هَنيئاً فَلقدْ
أنْجَدَ المَدْحُ التَّميميُ وغارا

18. If he raced calamities that shook
He'd leave the roaring lions then travel on

١٨. واثِباً لو سابقَتْهُ زَعْزَعٌ
غادَرَ الهُوجَ رَذايا ثُمَّ سارا

19. O you who protects neighbors and is generous to towns
Mercy was your neighbor

١٩. يا مَنيعَ الجارِ بَذّالَ القِرى
والنَّدى كان لكَ الرَّحمنُ جارا