
O you who tied the knots of perfect beauty,

يا عاقدا وضن الجمال البزل

1. O you who tied the knots of perfect beauty,
You did well if you did not set out on a journey.

١. يا عاقِداً وُضُنَ الجمالِ البُزَّلِ
اِحْللْ أصبت الرَّأي أنْ لم ترحلِ

2. Smell the resolve with which you were inspired,
And relax, for you are in fertile and rainy terrain.

٢. شِمْ ما انْتضيتَ من العزائم للسُّرى
وارْغد فإنَّك بالخصيب المُخْضِل

3. The ministry has surrendered, led,
To the vastness of wisdom, the vastness of the abode.

٣. إنَّ الوزارةَ أذعَنتْ مُنْقادَةً
لأغَرَّ رحْبِ الحلم رحب المَنْزلِ

4. To the august one who filled time with reverence,
Hearts bowed down to his awe, even the deluded ones.

٤. لمُعَظَّمٍ مَلأَ الزَّمانَ مَهابَةً
ذَلَّتْ لخيفَتها صُدورُ الذُبَّلِ

5. With firmness like the sword, the excellence of his principles,
And gentleness excelling the coolness of a chain.

٥. بصَرامةٍ كالسيف سُنَّ غِرارهُ
ولَطافَةٍ فضلَتْ بَرودَ السَّلسل

6. For Muhammad, the glory of kings and gallant of munificence,
And valor, abode of the heavily armed stalwarts.

٦. لمُحمَّدٍ مجْدِ المُلوك فتى النَّدى
والبأسِ مأوى المُرْمِلين العُيَّلِ

7. One whose breast did not cease to be lofty,
A protected and inherited path if they were unknown.

٧. منْ لمْ يزلْ صدراً مُشاراً في العلى
مَسْعىً وارِثاً إنْ جهلتهما سَلِ

8. Patience of mountains meets him on days of his pleasure and anger,
And sharpness of an unsheathed sword.

٨. تلقاهُ في يوميْ رضاهُ وسُخْطِهِ
صَبْرُ الجبال له وحَدُّ المُنْصُلِ

9. With valor like the wind and gentleness like a breeze,
Benefit of the south wind and spirit of the north.

٩. كالريحِ بأساً والنَّسيمِ لَطافَةً
نفْعُ الجنوبِ له ورَوْحُ الشَّمْأل

10. When the winds clash in fury,
Colliding rocks and pebbles in rage and fervor.

١٠. وإذا الرياحُ تناوحَتْ مَسْعورةً
هُوجاً تَراجَمُ بالحَصى والجنْدَلِ

11. They are sterile, they do not form clouds, and dry up
What they claim of abundant pouring rain.

١١. عُقمتْ فلم تُنش السَّحاب وجفَّلت
ما تدَّعيه من المُسَِّفِّ الأكْحَلِ

12. They make the vast sky avoid dew,
With an easterly and piercing north wind.

١٢. وأعاضت الجوَّ الفسيحَ عن النَّدى
بالقُرِّ وخَّازاً كَحَدِّ المِعْبَلِ

13. The watchfires are extinguished and lightening loses the way,
The necks of beasts stumble confused.

١٣. خَبت المواقِدُ والبُروق فما اهتدت
للقصْدِ أعْناقُ الرِّكابِ الضُّلَّل

14. Bliss rolls up its carpet away from luxury,
The banquets of the wealthy are like scattered crumbs.

١٤. وطوى النَّعيمُ رداءه عن مُتْرَفٍ
فمَطاعمُ المُثْري هَبيدُ الحَنْظَل

15. The minister expelled the court and he declares
Expelling the caravans on a perilous Thursday.

١٥. طَرد الوزيرُ المحْل وهو مُصرِّحٌ
طَرْدَ الوَسائقِ بالخميسِ الجحفل

16. So settlements and none settling, generosity and no munificence,
And enough evil for the living, traits of scoundrels.

١٦. فقَرى ولا قارٍ وجادَ ولا نَدَىً
وكفى ضَريكَ الحيِّ شيْمَ الهُطَّل

17. For God, Lord of the throne, how excellent a successor
He brought you near to the most noble station.

١٧. للّهِ ربِّ العرشِ دَرُّ خليفَةٍ
أدْناكَ منْ شرفِ المَقامِ الأفْضلِ

18. He called you, O pillar of the religion of Muhammad,
So you supported it in time of distress.

١٨. ناداكَ يا عَضُداً لدينِ مُحَمَّدٍ
فعَضدْته عند الشَّديدِ المُعْضِل

19. He drew from you well-guided, of beautiful grace,
Singer of praises louder than the ringing of polished swords.

١٩. فاسْتَلَّ منك مُهنَّداً ذا رَوْنَقٍ
غاني الحديدةِ عن جلاء الصَّيْقل

20. The exalted felt safe in your selection,
Shamed by any criticism in gatherings and councils.

٢٠. لَقيَ العُلى عند اخْتيارِكَ آمِناًُ
خَجَلَ العِتابِ بِجحفلٍ وبمحْفِلِ

21. The times sang anthems of thanks for what you bestowed
On its children of blessings and grants.

٢١. زجِلَ الزَّمانُ بشُكْر ما أوليْته
أبْناءهُ منْ نِعْمةٍ وتَفَضُّلِ

22. The pilgrims set out extolling your loftiness,
Seeking your considerate olden care.

٢٢. رحَل الحجيجُ مُعَرِّفين بسامِقٍ
يَرْجونَ عاطِفَةَ القديمِ الأوَّل

23. You brought life to the dead gatherings when they came
As bodies torn by the evil of the abode.

٢٣. أنْشرتَ أموات المحابس إذْ غدوا
رِمَماً مُمزَّقةً بسوءِ المَنْزِلِ

24. You held back the harm of taxes and their wickedness
From every widow and every weary crippled one.

٢٤. وكففْتَ عاديةَ الخَراج وشَرَّه
عن كُلِّ أرْمَلَةٍ ومُقْوٍ مُرْمل

25. You removed the burdens of the imposts that had
Exhausted the shoulders and led to destruction.

٢٥. ووضعت أثْقال المكوس وقد وهَتْ
منها الكَواهِلُ وانْتهتْ للمقْتل

26. You returned them refreshed, Umarid,
Radiant, the like of which was never transported.

٢٦. فرددتْها وضَّاحَةً عُمَرِيَّة
غَرَّاءَ مثلُ حديثها لم يُنْقَلِ

27. They surpassed the ways of the generous and testified
To preference with verses of the revealed Book.

٢٧. فضُلَتْ على سِيَرِ الكرام وأشْهدت
بالفضلِ آياتِ الكِتابِ المُنْزَلِ

28. I extend praise to you, O house of al-Muzaffar, and the one
Whose praise of you is like a love smitten poet.

٢٨. أنا مَدُّكُمْ آلَ المُظَفَّرِ والذي
مَدْحي لكمْ كالعاشِقِ المُتَغَزِّل

29. My odes to you flowed like the winds,
From auspicious, comfortable, or resolute.

٢٩. سارتْ لكُم سير الرِّياحِ مدائحي
منْ مُشْئمٍ أو مُعْرِقٍ أو مجبل

30. I was certain of the fidelity of Muhammad’s covenant
And the attainment of every wish and hope.

٣٠. ولقد وَثِقْتُ بحُسن عهد محمدٍ
وَوَلاي في إِدْراكِ كلِّ مُؤمَّلِ

31. He fulfilled and exceeded in his goodness,
Like rain that exceeds the afternoon downpour.

٣١. فوَفى وزادَ على الوَفاءِ بفَضْلهِ
كالغيث يفْضُلُ عنْ جناب المُمْحل