
Each era has peers of its people,

لكل زمان من أماثل أهله

1. Each era has peers of its people,
Bramikas who excel them, each facile,

١. لكُلِّ زمانٍ منْ أماثِلِ أهْلِهِ
برامِكَةٌ يمتارُهمْ كلُّ مُعْسِرِ

2. Abu Al-Fadl Yahya is a peer of Yahya ibn Khalid,
A hand, and his father Ja'far is a peer of Ja'far.

٢. أبو الفضل يحيى مثل يحيى بن خالدٍ
يَداً وأبوهُ جعفرٌ مثلُ جعفرِ