1. With the sweet disposition of Nizar
Surpassing the efforts of an uncle and maternal uncle
ูก. ูู
ุนูุณููู ุงูุดููู
ุงุฆูู ู
ูู ููุฒุงุฑู
ูููููู ุจุณุนูููู ุนูู
ูุงู ูุฎูุงูุง
2. If you meet him, you meet a rose
To the thirst of a lively gazelle
ูข. ุฅุฐุง ูุงููุชูู ูุงูููุชู ููุฑูุฏุงู
ุนูู ุธูู
ุฃู ุจูุงุฌูุฑูุฉ ุฒููุงูุง
3. The guest can take from him in the drinking-places
If he seeks the lawful livelihood
ูฃ. ููุญูููู ุงูุถูููููู ู
ูู ูู ุงูู
ุฅุฐุง ู
ุง ููู
ู ุงูุญูููู ุงูุญููุงูุง
4. The most generous of them when they lodge for the night
And the most feeding of them when misfortune strikes
ูค. ุจุฃููุฑูู
ู ุฅุฐุง ูุฒููุง ู
ู ุฅุฐุง ููุจููุชู ุดูู
5. And the highest of them when they pitch tents
And the most preventing of them when matters become grave
ูฅ. ูุฃุฑูููุนููู
ู ุฅุฐุง ููุฒููุง ููุจุงุจุงู
ู ุฅุฐุง ู
ุง ุงูุฎูุทูุจู ุบุงูุง
6. As if his forehead is a Yemeni sword
Its blade honed to a polish
ูฆ. ูุฃููู ุฌูุจููููู ุณูููู ููู
ุฃุฌุงุฏู ุงูููููู ุตููุญูุชูู ุตููุงูุง
7. He surpasses the shaking storm in resolve
And before his helplessness stand mountains
ูง. ูููููู ุงูุฒููุนูุฒุนู ุงููููุฌุงุกู ุนุฒูู
ูุนูุฏ ุฃูุงูููู ุงูุดููู
ูู ุงูุฌูุจุงูุง
8. A smiling face if the meadows weep
On a day of calamity, red in misery
ูจ. ูุจูุณููุงู
ู ุฅุฐุง ุจููุชู ุงูู
ุงูุฑููููุนู ู
ูุฑูุงู ู
9. A minister far above arrogance and evil
When the ministers suppose him glorious
ูฉ. ูุฒูุฑู ุฌูููู ุนูู ููุจูุฑู ูุจูุฃูู
ุฅุฐุง ุงููุฒุฑุงุกู ุธููููููู ุฌููุงูุง
10. His humility did not diminish his glory
But the conveyor of complete glory
ูกู . ููู
ู ูุฐูุจู ุชูุงุถุนููู ุจู
ููููู ู
ูุจูููุบู ุงูู
ูุฌูุฏู ุงูููู
11. And how much worth increases with decline
The rainclouds its most truthful tattoo
ูกูก. ููู
ู ูุฏูุฑู ูุฒูุฏู ู
ุน ุงููุญุทุงุทู
ูุณูููู ุงูุณููุญูุจ ุฃุตุฏูููููู ุฎุงูุง
12. If his correspondence is sweetened for grave tidings
Of prolonged misfortunes pierced long spears
ูกูข. ุฅุฐุง ุนูุณููุชู ู
ูุฒุงุจุฑูู ูุฎูุทูุจู
ูู ุฏููููุชู ุงูุฃุณููู ุงูุทูููุงูุง
13. Its lines will be peace and war
If pacts or alliances are penned
ูกูฃ. ุชูููู ุณูุทูุฑููุง ุณููู
ุงู ูุญูุฑูุจุงู
ุฅุฐุง ุณูุทูุฑูุชู ุตููุงุชู ุฃูู ุตููุงูุง
14. If the opinion of Al-Lamโi strays
He hits the mark in opinion extemporaneously
ูกูค. ุฅุฐุง ุถููููุชู ุฑูููููุฉู ุฃูููู
ุฃุตุงุจู ุงูุฃู
ุฑ ูู ุงูุฑููุฃู ุงุฑูุชุฌุงูุง
15. Long live Jaโfar you attained the heights
And left no room for its seekers
ูกูฅ. ุฃูุงุจุง ุฌุนูุฑู ุญูุฒูุชู ุงูู
ุชุชูุฑููู ูุทุงููุจูุง ู
16. And saw the times with the eye of truth
And hoarded nothing but kindness
ูกูฆ. ูุฃุจูุตุฑุชู ุงูุฒููู
ุงูู ุจุนููู ุตูุฏููู
ุชุฐุฎูุฑ ุณููู ุงูุฅุญุณุงูู ู
17. And your knowledge that the kingdom of earth is fleeting
Except good deeds do not avail a span
ูกูง. ูุนูููู
ูู ุฃููู ู
ููู ุงูุฃุฑุถ ุทูุฑูุงู
ุณูู ุงูู
ุนุฑููู ูุง ููุบููู ููุจุงูุง
18. He restored you a refuge from every misfortune
And you were consolation to every distraught
ูกูจ. ุฃุนุงุฏูู ู
ููุฌุฃู ู
ูู ูููู ุฎูุทูุจู
ูููููุชู ููููู ู
ููููููู ุซูู
19. So every new year that dawns
Your existence does not wane a crescent moon
ูกูฉ. ููููููุง ููููู ุนุงู
ู ู
ุจููุงุคูู ู
ุง ุฌููุง ุฃูููู ูููุงูุง