1. Ayyub was afflicted with bodily distress, so
He became the subject of proverbial examples when patience is mentioned.
١. اُصيب ببلوى الجسم أيوبُ فاغتدى
به تضرب الأمثال اِذْ يذكرُ الصبرُ
2. But when his distress had ended with his body
And reached his heart, he proclaimed: Hardship has touched me!
٢. فلما انتهت بلواهُ من بعد جسمهِ
إِلى القلب نادى مُعلناً مسَّني الضرُّ
3. And all my distress is due to my heart though I have not
Complained of the One who cast it upon me nor divulged the secret.
٣. وكلُّ بلائي عند قلبي ولمْ أبُحْ
بشكوى الذي ألْقى ولا ظَهر السرُّ