
So he who finds fault with me for loving them

فمن كان لي لائما فيهم

1. So he who finds fault with me for loving them
Know that I love the family of Fatimah

١. فمنْ كانَ لي لائماً فيهُمُ
فإني أُحِبُّ بَني فاطِمَهْ

2. The family of the daughter of the one who brought clear proofs
And the religion and enduring traditions

٢. بني بنْتِ مَن جاءَ بالبَيِّنا
تِ والدِّين والسُّنَنِ القائمَهْ

3. Their father relieved the anguish of wars
And the bird of turmoil wandered confused at dawn

٣. أبوهُمْ مُجَلِّي كُروبَ الحُروبِ
وطَيرُ الوَغى بالضُّحى حائمَهْ

4. He strengthens when his horsemen weaken
And his horsemen fiercely defend

٤. يَشُدُّ إذا ذَلَّ فُرْسانُها
ويَحْمي وفُرسانُها خائمَهْ

5. His innate wisdom decides right when
Perplexed souls, however learned, go astray

٥. وتُفْتي بَديهَتُهُ بالصَّوابِ إذا
ضَلَّتِ الأنْفُسُ العالمَهْ

6. Suns of guidance and stars of glory
When the dark strife grows intense

٦. شُموسُ الهُدى ونُجومُ العُلى
إذا دَجَت الفِتْنَةُ القاتمَهْ

7. And I hope for honor in the end
Through loving the Prophet and loving them

٧. وإنِّي لأرْجو بحُبِّ النَّبِّ
وحُبِّهُمُ شَرَفُ الخاتمَهْ