
The heart awoke from the love of hope and its wounds healed,

صحا القلب من حب الرجاء وغودرت

1. The heart awoke from the love of hope and its wounds healed,
Yet the birth of desires cannot be appeased in its barrenness.

١. صحا القلب من حُبِّ الرجاء وغودرتْ
ولودُ المُنى لايُستَسلُّ عقيمُها

2. I remained like one who weakened until his death,
Due to a dreadful state that does not cure its sick.

٢. وبِتُّ كمجهودٍ تَراخى بموتهِ
لحالةِ سوءٍ ما يَبَلُّ سَقيمُها

3. On an eve when no guide is granted success in purpose,
Nor do perspectives enlighten the knowledgeable among them.

٣. عشيَّةَ لا يُهدى رشيدٌ لمقْصدٍ
ولا طُرقُ الآراءِ يُغْني عليمُها

4. Neither does wisdom suffice but to obey silence and prohibition,
Even if my soul is wretched and its worries prolonged.

٤. ولا الحزمُ اِلا طاعةُ الصمت والنُّهى
واِن شَقِيت نفسي وطالتْ همومُها

5. And if not for you saving me from worries with determination,
That shakes the pillars of those gone feeble.

٥. ولو لاك نجَّتْني من الهمِّ عَزْمةٌ
يدقُّ صِحاحَ الذَّابلات حطيمُها

6. But I was tied to you with favors,
When an auspicious event occurred, and its old days were wholesome.

٦. ولكنني قيَّدْتُ منكَ بأنْعُمٍ
زكا حادثٌ مناه وطابَ قديمُها

7. So to Allah belongs whatever lofty outcast,
Of eras and days, generous in its bounties.

٧. فلله ما أولي طِرادٌ من العُلى
بني الدهر والأيامُ فذٌّ كريمُها

8. You are a haven for the hands when calamities flutter,
And a shelter if tribulations thicken its clouds.

٨. نماكَ ضَروباً الأكُفُّ رواعشٌ
وَهُوباً اذا الشَّهْباء أكدت غيومُها

9. The richness of contented souls has equaled them to the ground,
Protecting them when one who wrongs them seeks them out.

٩. غِنى أنفس العافين ساوها الطَّوى
حِماها اذا ما رامها من يضيمُها

10. An absent one and a present one speak of your good,
A traveler of land, one who flees, and its settlers.

١٠. يحدِّث عنك الخيرَ بادٍ وحاضرٌ
مُسافرُ أرضٍ ظاعنٌ ومُقيمُها

11. So you have remained praised for valor and high resolve,
Like the stars of highness before the self pitches its tents.

١١. فلا زلت محموداً على البأس والندى
كَسوب العلى ما صاحب النفس خِيمُها