1. In the palace there is a breeze,
In which singing is forbidden
١. وبالقصر أرْيحيٌّ
به يمنعُ الذِّمارُ
2. If he is generous, then he is a blessing
And if he prays, then he is fire
٢. اذا جادَ فهو غيْثٌ
واِن صالَ فهو نارُ
3. His enemies envy his high status
Like the cheetahs and ostriches envy him
٣. حَسوداهُ في عُلاهُ
ظُبى البيض والقُطار
4. A companion to high ambitions
And away from disgrace, a light
٤. أنيسٌ إِلى المعالي
وعن عارِها نَوارُ
5. The good news of mankind in his darkness
For his radiance there is daylight
٥. سَنا البِشْرِ في دُجاهُ
لطُرَّاقِهِ نهارُ
6. The stars fear him
As the Pleiades feared
٦. تخافُ الكماةُ منهُ
كما خافتِ العِشارُ
7. So the stars are quenched by him
And from his heap the sparks fly
٧. فَتَرْوى من الكُماةِ
ومن كومِهِ الشِّفارُ
8. The beauty of the world who is honored
When potsherds are counted
٨. جمالُ الورى المُشارُ
اذا عُدِّدَ الفَخارُ
9. With his resolve there is a shining light
And in his kindness there is dignity
٩. على عَزْمِه مضاءٌ
وفي عِطفْهِ وقارُ
10. So in peace he is a mountain of tolerance
For those who slander him a lesson
١٠. ففي السَّلْم طودُ حلْمٍ
لزانِئيهِ عِثارُ
11. And in war he is a raging lion
Rushing with him are flames
١١. وفي الحربِ ليثُ غابٍ
جَرِيٌّ به سُعارُ
12. And in generosity, though reluctant
To the beggar, he makes excuses
١٢. وفي الجودِ وهو جَمٌّ
إِلى السائل اعتِذارُ
13. For his open-handedness
And hospitality there are perfumes
١٣. على الجوِّ من نَداهُ
ومَسْعاتِه عِطارُ
14. Satisfied with the Imam of virtue
And the chosen companion
١٤. رَضِيُّ الاِمامِ ذُو الف
ضْلِ والصاحب المُشار
15. Protector of people, he guards
When neighbourhood is entrusted
١٥. مُجيرُ الأنام يَحمي
اذا اُسْلِم الجِوارُ
16. So O chosen of the Caliphate and the chosen of preference
Congratulations to you for all seasons
١٦. فيا مُرتْضى الخِلا
فةِ والمُرْتضى اختيارُ
17. For through you there is elation
And in them pride in you
١٧. هَنيئاً لكَ المواسمُ
كَرّارَةً تُدارُ
18. And you are granted a thousand feasts
As long as pilgrimage continues
١٨. عليها بك اغتباطٌ
وفيها بكَ افتِخارُ
19. Obeyed, happiness is for you
In its direction, symbols
١٩. وعُمِّرْتَ ألفَ عيدٍ
لما تأمُرُ ائتِمارُ
٢٠. مُطاعاً لكَ السَّعادةُ
في قُطْبِها شِعارُ