1. The minister's bosom friend, for as long as the sun rises
And gives life to the winding paths of al-Hamid's abode,
١. اللّهُ جارُ الوزيرِ الصَّدْرِ ما طَلَعَتْ
شَمْسٌ وأحْيا دَريسَ الهامِدِ السَّبَلُ
2. The ample folds of his cloak are like the pouring rain clouds
And his swords have a shyness to their attributes.
٢. غَمْرُ الرِّداءِ كَسُحْبِ الجَوِّ هاطِلَةً
وللصَّوارِمِ من أوْصافِهِ خَجَلُ
3. Calm and dignified whether in peace or in the fray,
In resolve and forbearance, he is the wind and the mountain.
٣. ماضٍ وَقورٌ لَدى سَلْمٍ ومُعْتَركٍ
في العَزْمِ والحِلْمِ منهُ الرِّيحُ والجَبَلُ
4. A piercing blade that kills the souls of the abode from generosity
Without tallying and brings hope alive in his presence.
٤. خِرْقٌ يُميتُ نفوسَ المَحْلِ من كرَمٍ
من غيرِ مَنٍّ ويَحْيا عِنْدهُ الأمَلُ
5. Loyalty and love from him do not change
With the passage of time, no treachery or boredom.
٥. والعَهْدُ والوِدُّ منهُ لا يُحيِلُهُما
على التَّقادُمِ لا غَدْرٌ ولا مَلَلُ
6. The counselor of propriety, it is not right that his speech be professing love,
Rather it brims with the remembrance of the Most High.
٦. صاحي النُّهى لا يَحِلُّ الخطْبُ حَبْوتَهُ
لكنْ طَروبٌ بأذْكارِ العُلى ثَمِلُ
7. An army whose ranks the vicissitudes of fate have turned
And the white blades recoil from engaging with it and the weapons.
٧. جَيْشٌ تَفُلُّ صُروفَ الدَّهر سوْرتُهُ
وتَنكُصُ البيضُ عنْ لُقياهُ والأسَلُ
8. When the clouds give up spearing the enemy,
They fear his tombs, the lionesses, and the twisting snakes.
٨. إذا الذَّوابِلُ ذَلَّتْ عنْ طِعانِ عِدىً
خافَتْ مَزابرَهُ اللبَّاتُ والمُقَلُ
9. Muhammad is the pillar of the faith, as
The nobles have testified to his virtue and states.
٩. مُحمَّدٌ عضدُ الدينِ الذي شَهِدَتْ
بفضْلِهِ النُّبَلاءُ الغُرُّ والدُّوَلُ
10. Generosity flows spontaneously from his fingers
When the clouds are a roaring, flooding rain.
١٠. يَثْعَنْجِرُ الجودُ جَوْداً من أنامِلِهِ
إذا السَّحابُ جَهامٌ ماؤهُ سَمَلُ
11. And travel sets out from the place of his flowing spring,
Having quenched the people with the sublime and pure water.
١١. ويصْدُر السَّفْر عنء سلْسالِ موْرِدِه
وقد سَقَى القَوْمَ منهُ العَلُّ والنَّهلُ
12. They know no wealth but his blessings
Until when they turn away from his generosity, they depart.
١٢. لا يَعْرِفونَ ثِمالاً غيرَ نِعْمَتِهِ
حتى إذا ظَعَنوا عن جُودِهِ قَفَلوا
13. Righteous, fortified by piety and protected
By his sincerity, and upon the Merciful he relies.
١٣. بَرٌّ تُحَصِّنُهُ التَّقْوى ويَعْصِمُهُ
إِخْلاصُهُ وعلى الرَّحْمنِ يَتّكِلُ
14. The arrows of misfortunes glance off his perfections,
While humiliation falls short of reaching him.
١٤. تَنْبُو سِهامُ الرَّزايا عَنْ سَوابِغِه
إذا رُشِقْنَ وتَخْزى دونَهُ ثُعَلُ
15. He lived for glory and supremacy, striving
To gain their utmost extent for as long as camels kneel.
١٥. فَعاشَ للْمَجدِ والعَلْياءِ مُبْتَدِراً
إِحْرازَ أقْصاهُما ما أطَّتِ الإِبِلُ