
A people, if praise poems were seized

قوم إذا أخذ المديح قصائدا

1. A people, if praise poems were seized
They took them from Taha and from Yaseen

١. قومٌ إذا أخِذَ المَديحُ قَصائداً
أخَذوه عَنْ طه وعَنْ يس

2. And if the most tender ribs were folded
They shared plenty with the destitute

٢. وإذا انطوى أرقُ الأضالع وفَّروا
مَيْسورَ زادِهُمُ على المِسْكينِ

3. And if a servant disobeyed a master's order
Their orders prevailed upon the compelled

٣. وإذا عَصى أمْرَ المَوالي خادِمٌ
نفَذتْ أوامِرُهمْ على جِبْرينِ

4. And if men boasted of a master
They fell praising the most learned of scholars

٤. وإذا تَفاخَرتِ الرِّجالُ بسَيِّدٍ
فخَروا بأنْزَعَ في العُلومِ بَطين

5. Casting down the pillar of polytheism after its establishment
And clarifying the religion of Allah after its concealment

٥. مُلْقي عمود الشِّرْكِ بعد قيامِهِ
ومُبينِ دينِ اللّهِ بعدَ كُمونِ

6. The one sought for help, when the spears intertwined
And the cavalry lines were no longer in line

٦. والمُسْتغاثُ إذا تَصافَحتِ القَنا
وغَدتْ صُفونُ الخيل غير صُفون

7. No issue perplexed on the day of debate
Except he changed its doubt into certainty

٧. ما أشكلَتْ يومَ الجِدال قضيَّةٌ
إلاَّ وبَدَّلَ شكَّها بيَقينِ

8. The repository of hidden secrets and place of
Apparent morals, and temptation of the infatuated

٨. مُسْتودَعُ السرِّ الخَفيِّ وموْضِعُ
الخُلق الجَليِّ وفِتْنةُ المَفْتونِ