
You have marched with an army whose brightness is like

دلفت بجيش ذي زهاء كأنه

1. You have marched with an army whose brightness is like
Yellow tents or smooth white hills.

١. دلفْتَ بجيشٍ ذي زُهاءٍ كأنه
غوارب يَمٍّ أو هضابُ نَقاً عُفْر

2. The spacious valley constricts when they descend
And widens when their backs move on from the valley's clefts.

٢. تضيق المُروتُ الفِيح عند نزوله
ويدجو إذا ما سار من نقعه الظُهر

3. Your purpose and cunning spared you their need -
With some of both, triumph and victory are attained.

٣. فأغنتكَ عنه نيَّةٌ وطويةٌ
ببعضهما يُستنزل الفتحُ والنَّصرُ

4. Whenever you sought to raid a tribe,
You defeated them, while neither white nor dark were routed.

٤. وكنت إذا جاولت غزو قبيلةٍ
هزمت ولا بيضٌ هُززنَ ولا سمر

5. Humans fear you, and the day is dry,
Patience fears you when patience is depleted.

٥. يُحاذَرُ منك البشرُ واليوم كالحٌ
ويرهب منك الصبر إذ نفذ الصبرُ

6. A protector of Allah's religion, guardian of His servants,
And rain for Allah's land when rain is withheld.

٦. غياثٌ لدينِ اللهِ حامي عبادهِ
وغيثٌ لأرضِ الله إذ حبُس القطر

7. Dazzling as if the sun were his features -
His qualities sublime in every glory.

٧. أغرَّ كأن الشمس منْ قسماتِه
خلائقهُ في كل مكْرُمةٍ زُهْرُ

8. A knight whose horses race with hooves
Like she-camels, their breath expanding the desert.

٨. فتى الخيل تجري بالكُماةِ كأنها
عواسلُ معطٌ مَدَّ أنفاسها القفرُ

9. When they churn the water of desire restlessly,
Their watering place flows as freely as veins and throat.

٩. إذا ما طوتْ ماء النِّهاءِ تخمُّطاً
فموردها ما أنبعَ الهامُ والنَّحرُ

10. With them the renowned attacks in every fray
When mettle is tested and the eagle made to seek prey.

١٠. يُغيرُ بها المنعوتُ في كل معْركٍ
إذا ما استقى العَسالُ واستطعم النسر

11. Father of conquest, smasher of skulls at dawn,
My protector in hardship when the dust storm raged.

١١. أبو الفتح ضرَّاب الجماجم بالضُحى
ومولي الندى إذ صرح الأزمُ الغبر

12. On his shoulder a tenderness of glory
Exhilarating as wine though no wine was poured.

١٢. على عطفه من مجدهِ أريحيَّةٌ
به نشوةٌ منها وما دارتِ الخمرُ

13. He disdained to appear other than compassionate,
Gentle, so neither wrong nor pride touched him.

١٣. تكرَّمَ منها أن يُرى غير راحِمٍ
عطوفٍ فلا ظلمٌ لديه ولا كِبْرُ

14. May obedience to his command last, to be hoped and feared,
For his enemies, only annihilation and defeat remain.

١٤. فدامَ مُطاع الأمر يُرجى ويتَّقى
لأعْدائه منه الإِبادةُ والقهرُ

15. Bitter in battle, time does not erode his resolve -
Rather time flows according to his enduring custom.

١٥. مريرُ القوى لا ينقضُ الدهر حزمه
ولكنه يجري بمأثورهِ الدهْرُ