
Her veil fluttered like a waving sleeve,

لمعت كتلويح الرداء المسبل

1. Her veil fluttered like a waving sleeve,
And the night dyed its henna but did not settle.

١. لمعت كتلويح الرداء المُسبَل
والليل صبغ خضابه لم ينصل

2. A fire like the magic of fragrant wood guided its light
With the full moon over the necks of the lost riders.

٢. نار كسَحْر العَوْد أرشد ضوؤها
بالبيد أعناق الركاب الضُّلل

3. The place where the darkness gathered gleamed as if
It slept at the peaks of Al-Yafa’ mountains in Mundel.

٣. طابت لمعتسف الظلام كأنما
شبت على قنن اليفاع بمندل

4. So I knew that the clan of Tamim was there
Competing there for the guests they hosted.

٤. فعلمت أنَّ بني تميم عندها
يتقارعون على الضيوف النُزَّل

5. The barren Al-Kawm and it was rainy
And those hitting Al-Ham under Al-Qistal.

٥. العاقرين الكومَ وهي منيفة
والضاربين الهام تحت القسطل

6. And those governing the kingdom, their views
Were confused and their good deeds were few.

٦. والسائسين الملك لا آراؤهم
تهفو ولا معروفهم بمقلل

7. My people! Who can compare to my people and Al-Qinna
And the white land between targeted and scattered?

٧. قومي وأين كمثل قومي والقنا
والبيض بين مقصَّدٍ ومفلل

8. They supported a brother and grandfather without buying him,
Making the distant relative like one who is armed or dismantled.

٨. نجلوا أخا وجدٍ بغير خريدةٍ
جعل النسيب لذابل أو منصل

9. His preoccupation with describing love distracted him
From describing the most high, so the mantra of the infatuated poet failed.

٩. شغلته عن وصف الهوى ذِكَرُ العلى
فنضا شعار الشاعر المتغزل

10. He spent his youth in glory until his old age,
So when his old age appeared, he was not hesitant.

١٠. قضَّى شبيبته بمجد مشيبه
فإذا المشيب بدا له لم يوْجَل

11. There is no honor in a fully armed knight
And abundant clothing and carved gift.

١١. لا عزَّ في سراة مُطهَّمٍ
ولباس سابغةٍ وهبَّة مقْصل

12. And its emergence disheveled as if its clouds
Were the edges of heavy laden clouds.

١٢. وطلوعها شعثاً كأنَّ عجاجَها
بالقاع أسنمةُ الغمام المُثقل

13. It wandered to soften Al-Qalat, so if it raided,
It made the slumber dispense with the chained coats of mail.

١٣. هيم إلى رود القلات فإن غزت
أغنى النجيع عن البرود السلسل

14. They watch the piercing of spears as if
In the folds of the quiver there is a stream.

١٤. يلحظن مخترق الرماح كأنما
في لبَّة الغطريف مجرى جدول

15. From every short rein a swift mare
Galloping with the fluttering of a ragged shirt.

١٥. من كل مقلاق العنان طِمِرَّةٍ
تنزو بهفهاف القميص شمردل

16. They carry horsemen as if their armors
Were made in the image of mountain peaks.

١٦. يحملن فرساناً كأنَّ دروعهم
سُنَّت على مثل الجبال المُثَّل

17. With patience they met a destructive armed force
And the armed man expels the unarmed.

١٧. صُبراً تلاقوا حاسراً لمدججٍ
منهم ويطرد ذو السلاح بأعزل

18. A people, if the tips of their swords imprinted,
The slumber would stand up for it like a polisher.

١٨. قوماً إذا طبعت نصول سيوفهم
قام النجيعُ لها مقام الصَّيقل

19. They rush into engaging adversity
Like the muddy in galloping to the watering place.

١٩. يتفارطون إلى مساورة الرَّدى
كمتفارط الكدري نحو المنهل

20. And the heroes drew so close they clung
To the eminent, apart from the withered.

٢٠. وتقارب الأبطال حتى استمسكوا
بالمشرفي عن الوشيج الذُّبَلّ

21. It was as if their war was the threshing of flocks
In the lowlands, or the might of Minister Abu Ali

٢١. فكأن حربهم أوارُ ضريمةٍ
بالقاع أو بأس الوزير أبي علي

22. If Thursday declined from justice,
The writers would stand up for it like soldiers.

٢٢. ندب إذا ذلَّ الخميسُ عن العدا
قام الكتاب له مقام الجحفل

23. The gown flooded as if its prominent features
Were dyed by the generosity of the adorned life.

٢٣. غمر الرداء كأن سح بنانه
بالجود شؤبوب الحيا المتهلل

24. Yielding when asked by the cloud in crisis,
Giving the needy what they did not request.

٢٤. هتنٌ إذا سئل الغمامُ بأزمةٍ
أعطى ذوي الحاجات ما لم يسئل

25. So he spends the night hopeful of his favor
And the tremendous things he grants without hope.

٢٥. فيبيت هو مؤمل إحسانه
وعظيمُ ما يوليه غير مؤمل

26. He is chaste of heart free of the most amorous gazelle,
The images of glory to him

٢٦. عفُّ الإزار يظلُّ من شعف العُلى
خلو الفؤاد عن الغزال الأغزل

27. Are sweeter and more delicious than images of home,
Going to war with the enemies, so if he is called

٢٧. فرسوم منزلةٍ إلى أسماعه
أحلى وأعذب من رسوم المنزل

28. He meets difficulties with unshakable determination,
The feet of a hero and the resolve of one firm,

٢٨. جارٍ إلى حرب العدا فإذا انتدى
لقي الصعاب بحبوة لم تحلل

29. And the refusal of a champion and the vigilance of a protector,
And the train of his gown fluttering as if

٢٩. أقدام ذي لبدٍ وهمةُ أَعْصَمٍ
وإباءُ بازي ويقظة أجْدل

30. His turban was tied with a withering band.
A formidable man whose enemy spends the night in blindness

٣٠. وأغر فضفاض الرداء كأنما
نيطت عمامته بقُنَّة يذبل

31. From fear of him while his guest is in an impregnable refuge.
The protection of the Glory of the Faith that cannot be breached

٣١. شهمٌ يبيتُ عدوهُ في غمرةٍ
من خوفه ونزيله في معقل

32. And the protection of the Glorious that cannot be violated.
O you who rise above all adversity

٣٢. نعمى جلال الدين غير منيعةٍ
وحمى جلال غيرُ مبذَّل

33. And naked hard ground that makes the shod stumble.
Look to the garments of chiefs preceded by

٣٣. يا فارعاً بالعزم كل منيفةٍ
وعرٍ تزلُّ بأخمص المتوقِّلِ

34. A vanguard of the eminent who did not draw water.
They meet opponents, dwelling and arguing,

٣٤. أنظر إلى حلل القريض يَفوفُها
نشوان من غاير العُلى لم ينهل

35. Confirming the soul with a sharp sword and speech.
The latter outdid the former in his knowledge

٣٥. يلقى الخصوم مُنازلاً ومجادلاً
ثبت الجنان بصارمٍ وبمقول

36. Naturally, and surpassed the meanings of the first.
Had my words not included the most high

٣٦. سبقَ الأخير إلى معاني علمه
طبعاً وزاد على معاني الأول

37. And your praise, I would have shunned praise.
A kingdom faded in pre-Islamic times but

٣٧. لولا تضمُّن ما أقول من العُلى
وثناك كنتُ عن المديح بمعزل

38. I revived it through you by the grace of the earthquake.
And after the dark night is the dawn of good fortune,

٣٨. ملكٌ ثوى بالجاهلية رمسُهُ
فبعثته مني ببركة زلزل

39. So turn yourself away from the habits of the neglectful.

٣٩. ووراء ليل الحظ صبحُ سعادةٍ
فارغب بنفسك عن خليقة مهمل