
The light and sword of the Commander of the Faithful,

نوال أمير المؤمنين وسيبه

1. The light and sword of the Commander of the Faithful,
Upon him abundant prayers and peace,

١. نَوالُ أمير المؤمنين وسَيْبُهُ
عليه صَلاةٌ جَمَّةٌ وسَلامُ

2. Exalted is the honor of the religion, the minister who has
In every pride a place and abode,

٢. عَلا شرفَ الدين الوزير الذي لهُ
بكُلِّ فَخارٍ موْطِنٌ ومَقامُ

3. Like arrows that were thrown in the battle with skill
So the earth became good and the clouds good,

٣. كصوب حَياً ألقى بَعاعاً بحُرَّةٍ
فطاب ثَرىً زاكٍ وطابَ غَمامُ

4. He planted the garden of advice in the soil of Hijaz,
Peerless, buzzing with bees and doves,

٤. فأنبت روض النَّصح في تربة الحجا
نضيراً إذا شِيحٌ ذَوي وثُمامُ

5. He watered its plant and the plant thrives on his watering,
While you with both your hands are a sword,

٥. سقى غرسه والغرس يُنمى لسقيه
وأنتَ بكِلْتا راحَتيْهِ حُسامُ

6. You rose to the duties of the commands sleepless
To execute them while the devoted ones slept,

٦. نَهضْتَ بأعباء الأوامرِ ساهراً
لإِمْضائِها والمخلصونَ نِيامُ

7. He is the repeated hero in ferocity and generosity,
Knowledgeable in planting righteous deeds, an imam.

٧. هو البطل الكرَّار في البأس والنَّدى
عليمٌ بغَرْسِ الصَّالحاتِ إِمامُ