
I asked my God that the Imam of Guidance may live in bliss

سألت إلهي أن يعيش بغبطة

1. I asked my God that the Imam of Guidance may live in bliss
As long as the resolute mother of misfortunes is tied down

١. سألْتُ إِلهِي أنْ يعيشَ بغِبْطَةٍ
إِمامُ الهُدى ما أرْزَمَتْ أمُّ حائلِ

2. Protecting the sublime and the glorious is through protecting him
Who steers them between resolve and attainment

٢. فحِفْظُ العُلى والمَأثُراتِ بحِفْظِهِ
يُصَرِّفُها ما بينَ حَزْمٍ ونائلِ

3. He quenched the barren lands of good with justice and mercy
Such that their dust turned into meadows

٣. سَقى هامِداتِ الخيرِ عَدْلاً ورحْمَةً
وجوداً فأضْحَتْ غُبْرُها كالخمائلِ

4. Not content with all-encompassing justice, he increased it
With supererogatory good deeds and merits

٤. ولم يَرْضَ بالعَدْلِ العَميمِ فَزادَهُ
نَوافِلَ منْ معْروفِهِ والفَواضِلِ

5. Bitter are the morrows for the unyielding, a wind
That brings misery, along with wisdom, to the obstinate

٥. مَريرُ القُوى ماضِي العَزائمِ رائحٌ
معَ الحَزْمِ مُشْقي نيبهِ والعَواذِلِ

6. A generous man who sees his wealth like his weapons
Raiding them both like a fighter in a night raid

٦. كريمٌ يَرى أمْوالَهُ كَعُداتِهِ
فيَغْزوهُما غَزْوَ الكَميِّ المُباسِلِ

7. Striking his enemies relentlessly
And spending his money unstintingly

٧. فيضْرِبُ في أعْدائهِ غيرَ ناكِلٍ
ويَفْتِكُ في أمْوالِهِ غيرَ باخِلِ

8. His love is reinforced in the noble one of many virtues
And the vast terrains of forbearance and sublime morals

٨. تُشَدُّ حُباهُ في النَّدِيِّ براجِحٍ
رَحيبِ نَواحي الحِلْمِ جَمِّ الفَضائلِ

9. The gallant one whose traits are not marred by harshness
Nor is deceit or conspiracy feared from him

٩. فتى الخيرِ لا تَعْرو سَجاياهُ غِلظَةٌ
ولا يُخْتَشى منْ كَيْدِه والمَخاتِلِ

10. Nor does his might make him commit abhorrent aggression
When the forbearance of the calm tamed one stills tempestuous seas

١٠. ولا يرْكبُ البَغْيَ الشَّنيعَ اقْتِدارُهُ
إذا خَفَّ حِلْمُ اللَّوْذَعِيِّ الحُلاحِلِ

11. Rather, his heart is safe from the images of passion
His banner rises from his faith, erected on fortresses

١١. ولكنْ سَليمُ القلْبِ مِن صَوَرِ الهوَى
رَاياهُ مِن إِيمانِهِ في مَعاقِلِ

12. The light of sanctity illuminates his prayerful forehead
When darkness extends its hand into terrifying visions

١٢. يُضِيءُ بنورِ القُدْسِ صَلْتُ جَبينِهِ
إذا ما الدُّجى ألْقَتْ يَداً في الهَواجِلِ

13. People saw in him the noble traits they had seen before
Which became, with the tales of generosity, legacies of early times

١٣. رأى الناسُ منه ما رَأوا منْ مكارِمٍ
غَدَتْ بأحاديثِ الكِرامِ الأوائلِ

14. And so they said the prime of time has returned, and its
Virtues have bloomed from the palm of an impartial,白 one

١٤. فقالوا شَبابُ الدهرِ عادَ وانْشِرَتْ
مكارِمُهُ مِنْ كَفِّ أبْلَجَ عادِلِ

15. Had they known what his heart secretly harbors
And what forthcoming good he intends inclusively

١٥. ولو عَلِموا ما باتَ يُضْمِرُ قَلْبُهُ
ويَنْويهِ منْ مُسْتَقْبَلِ الخيرِ شامِلِ

16. They would have said, we felt some bliss, but behind it
Were billows of a sea that no coast can restrain

١٦. لَقالوا حَسَوْنا نَغْبَةً ووَرءاها
غَطامِطُ يَمٍّ لا يُكَفُّ بِساحِلِ

17. As if the rightly-guided Imam and his guidance
At daybreak, after the truth prevailed over every falsehood

١٧. كأنَّ الإِمامَ المُسْتَضيء وهَديَهُ
غَداةَ أدالَ الحَقَّ مِنْ كُلِّ باطِلِ

18. Orientation of morn, gave the lost wanderer in rugged terrain
Guidance towards an easy path, crowded and lively

١٨. سَنى الصُّبْحِ أعطى خابِطَ الوعْر رُشدَهُ
إلى لَقَمٍ سَهْلِ المَسالِكِ آهِلِ

19. Blessed thus is the ink of a supported, rightly-guided Imam
Shielded by impenetrable coats of mail

١٩. فبورِكَ منْ حَبْرٍ إِمامٍ مُؤيَّدٍ
تُقاهُ دُروعٌ ضافياتُ الذَّلاذِلِ

20. An Imam whose praise equates in obligation
The conscience of the one who praises and the crowds in the assemblies

٢٠. إِمامٌ تَساوى في فَريضَةِ حَمْدِهِ
ضَميرُ الذي يُثْني وجمْعُ المَحافِلِ