
The men wondered at a knight

عجب الرجال لفارس

1. The men wondered at a knight
Whose lance was still to be feared

١. عَجِبَ الرِّجالُ لفارِسٍ
ما زالَ مَحْذراً قِراعُهْ

2. He never entered a battle
Except his valor was awed

٢. ما خاضَ قسْطَلَ مَعْركٍ
إِلاَّ تَهَيَّبَهُ شُجاعُهْ

3. How did he stay at the rear
And was content with that place

٣. أنَّى أقامَ على الخَسيفَةِ
واطْمأنَّ لها طِباعُهْ

4. When he used to outpace
Every swift predecessor

٤. وهو الذي ما زالَ يَسْبِ
ق شَدَّ سابقِهِ زَماعُهْ

5. Oh what a loss of the one of renown
Whose glory his armor embraced

٥. يا غَبْنَ ساري الذِّكْرِ ذ
ي صِيتٍ تَعَلَّقَهُ رِباعُهْ

6. His home to his wretchedness
Was a lair of ferocious beasts

٦. أوْطانُهُ لِشَقائِهِ
بالوادِ ضارِيَةٌ سِباعُهْ

7. Singular merit then lost
More wondrous from its loss was his fall

٧. فَضْلٌ تَوَحَّدَ ثمَّ أعُْ
جب منْ تَوَحُّدِهِ ضياعُهْ