1. The speech flees; its enthusiasts have become apathetic.
Worries are driven away from their abodes.
١. يَفِرُّ الخطْبُ قد أمْهي شَباهُ
وتُطْردُ عن مراكزها الهُمومُ
2. The region becomes fertile with prospects.
Prosperity and comfort prevail.
٢. ويُضْحي المحْلُ بالآفاقِ خِصْباً
يَعُمُّ الخفْضُ منهُ والنَّعيمُ
3. In the hands of the exalted, there is a roaring sea
To which clouds and knowledge submit.
٣. وفي دسْتِ العُلى بحرٌ خِضَمٌّ
تُقِرُّ له السَّحائِبُ والعُلومُ
4. Unconstrained is the cheerful, triumphant one.
Tameem boasts of him though Tamim came earlier.
٤. طَليقُ الوجهِ أغْلبُ خِنْدِفيٌّ
به افْتخرت وإن قدُمت تَميمُ
5. The sword of his formidable, gallant one
Has its sheath, in the days, inviolable.
٥. يُناطُ نِجادُ صارِمِهِ بمُعْدٍ
على الأيامِ منْزِلُهُ حَريمُ
6. With his raids and valor he reaps
Daybreak and the ignorant night turns bright.
٦. بغزْوتِهِ وغُرَّتِهِ يَجِنُّ ال
صبَّاحُ ويُسْفِرُ الليلُ البَهيمُ
7. So I am turbid; no complaint flees me.
And I am efflorescent; the coward flees me.
٧. فأكْدَرُ لا يَفِرُّ لهُ طَعينٌ
وأزْهَرُ هارِبٌ منهُ الصَّريمُ
8. Full of love for him, I am audacious.
Articulate in my preservation, I am an opponent.
٨. سَجيحٌ في مودَّتهِ حَييٌّ
وأفْوَهُ في حفيظَتِه خَصيمُ
9. The two blacks belong to him along with glories -
A dense army and a solid, firm line.
٩. يَحوزُ الأسْودانِ لهُ المَعالي
كثيفُ الجَيْش والسَّطْرُ الرَّقيم
10. So a fluent or a perfect one supports him;
Their arena is scrolls and tomes.
١٠. فيُنْجدُهُ بليغٌ أو كَمِيٌّ
مجالُهُما الصَّحائفُ والهُضومُ
11. He who proclaims openly victory for the defeated one
But has a concealed whisper for the dew.
١١. مُذيعُ النَّصْر للمخذول جَهْراً
لكن للنَّدى مُخْفٍ كَتومُ
12. I held fast to a rope finer than the rope of Nuzaar
By which the meek feel safe and the penniless.
١٢. عَلِقْتُ بحبْلِ أروْعَ من نِزارٍ
به الخَشْيانُ يَأمَنُ والعَديمُ
13. With a piercing when the pleader is disgraced
And a morsel when the stars withdraw.
١٣. بمِطْعانٍ إذا ذَلَّ المُحامي
ومِطْعامٍ إذا خَوَتِ النُّجومُ
14. I slept but the watcher of my affairs did not sleep
And the grief-stricken one redeems the glorious one.
١٤. رَقَدْتُ ولم يَنَمْ لصلاحِ أمري
ويَفْدي ساهِرَ المجدِ النَّؤُومُ
15. And he protected the donations of the benefactress from him,
Disdaining to give the envious what they covet.
١٥. وصانَ تَبَرُّعُ النَّعْماءِ منهُ
إِباءً للخَصاصَةِ ما يَريمُ
16. So he was generous with my grace of help and honor.
We circle the sword whose sharpness is blunted by sheaths.
١٦. فجادَ بِنعْمَتيْ رِفْدٍ وعِزٍّ
نَطوفُ السَّيْفِ جفْنتهُ رَذومُ