1. My eloquent poetry is constrained by what it can encompass
In describing your essence, so I have come to ask
١. ضاقت بلاغة أشعاري بما رحُبتْ
عن كنه وصفك حتى رحت ذا لكن
2. He who has granted me abundant blessings
The vastness of a dream's hospitality envelops my shortcoming
٢. فجئتُ أسألُ مَنْ نُعماه تغمرني
رحيبَ حلمٍ على التقصير يشملُني
3. O proud of merit beyond effort and lineage
And doer of good in secret and openly
٣. يا محرز الفخر عن سعي وعن نسب
وفاعل الخير في سِرٍّ وفي عَلَنِ
4. Who spreads wellbeing to the desolate and has concealed
His loftiness as the days and time pass it by
٤. ومُنشر الهامدَ العافي وقد كتمتْ
عُلاهُ عاديةُ الأيامِ والزَّمنِ
5. From Darim where there is prosperity though if you draw near
Counted are those who match its description in Yemen
٥. من دارمٍ حيث يربوعٌ واِن قربت
معدودةٌ لتنافي الوصف في اليمنِ
6. Al-Jarir boasted of prosperity but his claim
Was not established in words were it not for the vilification of tongues
٦. باهى جَريرٌ بيربوعٍ وما ثبتتْ
بالقول دعواهُ لولا شِرَّةُ اللَّسن
7. And the truth and wise men bear witness
To Al-Farazdaq's words among nomads and cities
٧. وأثبت الحق والدهماءُ شاهدةٌ
قولُ الفرزدق عند البدو والمُدنِ
8. So his argument was supported by the minister
When the like of him in the ages of time did not exist
٨. فأُيِّدتْ بالوزير الصدر حُجَّته
اِذا مثلهُ في عصورِ الدهر لم يكن
9. Is there among them one whose kingdom the lands
Kiss from the talk of people and splendor?
٩. هل فيهم مَنْ ملوكُ الأرض لاثمةٌ
بساطهُ من حديث القوم واليفَنِ
10. Or among them one whose banner of praise
And council of peace for canon and tradition?
١٠. أم فيهمُ من لواءُ الحمدِ رايتهُ
ومجلسُ السلمِ للتشريع والسنن
11. Never! The sons of Hanzala have won them
And the Al-Maliks without loss or despair
١١. هيْهاتَ فاز بها أبناءُ حنْظَلةٍ
والمالِكانِ بلا خُسْرٍ ولا غَبَنِ
12. Of bright face created with generosity
His nobility aims towards the lovely branch
١٢. بأبيض الوجه مجبولٍ على كَرمٍ
يودُّ جدواه صوب العارض الهتنِ
13. His love on the day of his gathering
Is directed to the maidens of a sea or a bosom's embrace
١٣. تُناطُ حبْوته في يوم ندوتهِ
إِلى غواربِ بحر أو ذُرى حضن
14. None but the honor of faith deserves praise when
The companion is sweetened by mention of the benevolent beauty
١٤. فلا عدا شرف الدين الثناءُ اذا
طابَ النَّديُّ بذكر المحسن الحسن
15. A chest, if my eyes keep vigil in praise of it
Slumber for them is sweeter than gum resin.
١٥. صدرٌ اذا سهرتْ عيني لمدحتهِ
كان السُّهادُ لها أحلى من الوسنِ