1. Your refusal that glory disdains being defamed,
Your resolve that the innocent persist being bloodied,
١. إِباءك أنَّ المجدَ يأَبى التَهضُّما
وعزمك أن البيض تستمرىءُ الدما
2. Quench a marsh whose patience your wisdom has dammed,
Honor then a blossom that graces the barren.
٢. ورَوَوِّ قَناً أظماه حلمك بُرهةً
فأكرمُ وِرْدٍ ما يكون على الظَّما
3. You waited until it was said, “He’s pleased, Khasifa,”
Yet far be that from you - you were wiser in reason.
٣. تأنَّيتَ حتى قيل راضي خَسيفةٍ
وحاشاكَ لكن كنت بالرأي أعْلما
4. The veils lifted off a magnificent sun
That illuminates when the days have grown darker,
٤. تبلَّجت الأستارُ عن شمس مفخرٍ
يُضيء إذا ما حادث الدهر أظْلما
5. The face of the land smiled under their trot,
For wherever his horses have passed flowers sprang.
٥. وشرَّ وجه الأرض وطءُ جيادِه
فكل ثَرىً مرَّتْ به خيلهُ سَما
6. And every rose their hooves had marred
Returned to life, so you see only halts and springs.
٦. وعاد شفاءً كلُّ ورْدٍ أخاضها
فلست ترى إلاّ مَقاماً وزمْزَما