
The year was congratulated, and what follows it

هنىء العام وما يعقبه

1. The year was congratulated, and what follows it
Of the succession of Rajab after Rajab

١. هُنِّىءَ العامُ وما يُعْقِبُهُ
مِن تَوالي رَجَبٍ بعد رَجَبْ

2. The morning sun always rose
And a star shone in the horizon and set

٢. دائماً ما طلعتْ شمسُ الضُّحى
وسَما في الأفْقِ نجْمٌ وغَرَبْ

3. With the survival of the sincere friend
Who attained glory through effort and lineage

٣. ببَقاءِ الصّاحِب الصَّدرِ الذي
أحْرَزَ المجْدَ بسَعْيٍ ونَسبْ

4. With the staunch neighbor who gives freely
In adversities, sorrows, and trailing stars

٤. بمنيعِ الجارِ مَبْذولِ النَّدى
في الخطوب الدُّهْم والغُبْر الشُّهب

5. With the generosity that is never questioned
And when the sin is grave, forgiveness is granted

٥. بوَهوبِ الدَّثْرِ لا يُسْألُهُ
وإذا ما عَظُمَ الجُرْمُ وَهَبْ

6. The pillar of the faith, whose benevolence
Dispels poverty and kills wretchedness

٦. عَضُدُ الدين الذي مَعْروفُهُ
طاردُ الفَقْرِ وقَتَّالُ السْغَبْ

7. The just ruler, not distracted by
The opponent's defiance or the fury of rage

٧. عادِلٌ في الحُكْمِ لا يَلْفِتُهُ
لَدَدُ الخصْمِ ولا طيشُ الغضب

8. His might and generosity are his repose
Wherever there is life and yearning

٨. بأسُهُ والجودُ مِنْ راحَتِهِ
حيثُ ما كانَ حَياةٌ وعَطَبْ

9. And aspirations, whose arenas
Are always filled with hope and awe from him

٩. وهُمامٌ لمْ تَزَلْ ساحاتُهُ
مِلْؤُها منهُ رَجاءٌ ورَهَبْ

10. He is aloof from the disgrace of this life
And clings to glory and greatness

١٠. وهو عَن عارِ الدَّنايا نازِحٌ
ومِن العَلْياءِ والمَجْدِ سَقِبْ