
If the eras share with the people of highness

ان شارك الأدوان أهل العلى

1. If the eras share with the people of highness
And glory in naming with the tongue

١. انْ شاركَ الأدْوانُ أهلَ العُلى
والمجْدِ في تسميةٍ باللسانْ

2. Then no blemish is upon the people of highness
That some of the incense is smoke

٢. فما على أهْلِ العُلى سُبَّةٌ
أنَّ بخورَ العودِ بعضُ الدخانْ

3. Befriend the brother of evil to subdue him
One day over some of the evils of time

٣. صاحبْ أخا الشَّرِّ لتَسْطوبه
يوماً على بعض شِرارِ الزَّمانْ

4. For the spear does not frighten with its bending
Except when the blade is attached to it

٤. فالرُّمْحُ لا يُرْهبُ اُنْبوبُهُ
اِلاَّ اذا رُكِّبَ فيه السِّنانْ

5. Be patient with hardship, you will attain highness
For every storyteller is indebted to one with patience

٥. اِصْبرْ على الشِّدَّةِ تحْوِ العُلى
فكلُّ قاصٍ عند ذي الصْبرِ دانْ

6. What the fasting one suffered from his hunger
Won him precedence on the day of the bet

٦. ما لَقيَ الضَّامِرُ منْ جوعِهِ
حَوى له السَّبْقَ بيومِ الرِّهانْ

7. Be courageous and exert effort, you will gain pride in both
For whatever Allah decreed, it was

٧. اُشجُعْ وجُدْ تحْظَ بفخريهما
فكلُّ ما قَدَّرهُ اللّهُ كانْ

8. If stinginess and the humiliation of a man benefited,
The miser would not become poor, nor the coward die

٨. لو نفعَ البُخْلُ وذُلُّ الفتى
ما افْتَقرَ الكَزُّ وماتَ الجَبانْ