
O Bahā’ al-Dīn, a call of loyalty

بهاء الدين دعوة ذي ولاء

1. O Bahā’ al-Dīn, a call of loyalty
His praises delight you and laudation

١. بهاء الدين دعوةَ ذي ولاءٍ
مدائحهُ تَسُرُّكَ والثَّناءُ

2. For him in every society there is praise
And in the privacy of his chamber, supplication

٢. له في كل مجتمعٍ مديحٌ
وعند سُتورِ خلْوتهِ دُعاءُ

3. If the men of treachery break covenants
Then his trait is discretion and loyalty

٣. اذا نقضَ العُهودَ رجالُ غَدرٍ
فشيمتهُ التَّحفُّظُ والوَفاءُ

4. It eased his coming in a sacred month
For your own self in it - how excellent survival!

٤. تَهَنَّ قدومَه شهراً حَراماً
لنفسكَ فيه ما كَرَّ البَقاءُ

5. For you are the man whom glories have possessed
His allies are valour and bestowal

٥. فأنت المرءُ مَلَّكَهُ المعالي
حليفاهُ البسالَةُ والعطاءُ

6. Shaker of resolute determination and taper of zeal
When backing and resolve are virtuous

٦. زُعازعُ عَزْمةٍومُنيفُ طوْدٍ
اذا حَسُنَ التَّأيُّدُ والمَضاءُ

7. So he testifies to virtue without falsehood
For your ambition - honour and modesty

٧. فيشهدُ بالفضيلةِ غيرَ زورٍ
لهمتَّكَ التَّكَرُّمُ والحَياءُ