
The days take pride and joy in him,

تتيه به الأيام فخرا وغبطة

1. The days take pride and joy in him,
And bloom when his sublime qualities are recited.

١. تتيهُ به الأيامُ فخراً وغِبْطةً
وتأرَجُ إذ تُتْلى عُلاهُ المَواسِمُ

2. The stars envy him in their imaginations,
When his virtues and nobilities become apparent.

٢. وتحسُدهُ الأنواءُ وهي مخيلَةٌ
إذا ما هَمى معْروفُهُ والمَكارِمُ

3. The light of the full moon is ashamed before his beauty,
And the brilliant rays of the sun are dimmed when he smiles.

٣. ويخجلُ نورُ البدر من قسماتهِ
وباهِرُ ضوءِ الشمس إذ هو باسِم

4. Bitter are the souls, determination cannot stop his resolute purpose,
Rather he is one with strong opinion and determined in resolve.

٤. مريرُ القوى لا يدرأ العزمُ حزمه
ولكن هُمامٌ حازمُ الرَّأي عازِم

5. The young man of the tribe, his palm is like a rain-cloud,
His sword gleams, and his might is sharp.

٥. فتى الحَيِّ أمَّا كَفُّهُ فغَمامَةٌ
دَلوحٌ وأما بأسُهُ فهو صارِمُ

6. He increases in courage when facing calamities,
And shows clemency when serious crimes appear.

٦. يزيدُ باجْلاب الخطوب بسالةً
ويَرْحُب حلْماً إذْ تجُلُّ الجرائم

7. If his enemy deceives him,
Destruction turns into kindness.

٧. إذا أمْكنتهُ غِرَّةٌ منْ عَدوِّهِ
غَدتْ موبقاتُ الحتف وهي مراحم

8. Burning with remembrance of Allah in his solitude,
And thankful and doing good openly.

٨. ولَوعٌ بذكرِ اللّهِ في خَلَواتِهِ
وفي الجهر بالإحسانِ والشُّكر قائم

9. If he profits the prosperous with his wealth,
He becomes, for perpetual praise, a winner.

٩. إذا أغْنَم العافينَ بالرِّفْدِ مالَهُ
غدا وهو للحمدِ المُخَلَّدِ غانِمُ

10. And if Mahmoud builds up wealth from his earnings,
It is from his generosity to the needy that he demolishes the flood.

١٠. وإنْ شيَّد الأموال مَحْمَدُ كسبِهِ
فمنْ جودِهِ بالنَّائِل الغمْر هادم

11. Abu Ja'far, the pillar of the caliphate, and the one,
Whose virtues a few and scholar acknowledge.

١١. أبو جعفرٍ غرسُ الخلافة والذي
يُقِرُّ بفضْليهِ كَميٌّ وعالِمُ

12. If they deny or reject this, his brilliant qualities bear witness,
Dispelling the night of calamities, though the day be dark.

١٢. إذا جَحَدَا أو أنكَرا شَهدتْ له
فَتاوٍ مُضيئاتُ الحِجا ومَلاحمُ

13. He trembles for righteousness, as if,
The landmarks provoked in him a bleeding wound.

١٣. فيكشف ليل الخطب والخطب حالكٌ
ويجلو عجاج الحرب واليومُ قاتمُ

14. He aspires above every lofty-soaring vulture,
As if the highest summits were base and lowly.

١٤. ويَهْتَزُّ للمعروفِ حتى كأنَّهُ
نَزيفُ مُدامٍ هَيَّجَتهُ المَعالمُ

15. The wealth of the world is despised by his noble worth,
As pebbles and coins are equal to the abject.

١٥. عَلا هِمَّةً عن كلِّ سامٍ مُحلِّقٍ
كأنَّ دَهاسَ الأنْعُميْنِ النَّعائم

16. When the hidden caravan breaks up and its beautiful features crumble,
And every pouncing one comes near in his steps,

١٦. وهانَ غِنى الدنيا على نُبْل قدْره
فسِيَّانِ رضْراض الحصى والدراهم

17. Like the sliding of sand dunes.
And the minister becomes a place of rest and refuge,

١٧. إذا انحل الركْبَ السُّرى وتهدمت
غَواربُ من إِرْقالِها ومَناسِمُ

18. No harm from the sneaky or ruin from the destructive.
His fresh branch grew in glory - Tamim and Darim -

١٨. وأصبح يُدني خطوه كلُّ واثِبٍ
كأنَّ حُوارَ المُجْدباتِ الضفبارم

19. By Allah, how Tamim and Darim have grown!
They came to him in torrents of munificence, as though,

١٩. وكان الوزير الصدر ملفىً وموئلاً
فلا الخمص عرَّاق ولا الضُّرُّ هاذم

20. Its rivulets in glory were plentiful rains.

٢٠. نمى فرعهُ الزَّاكي تميمٌ ودارمٌ
فللهِ ما تَنْمي تميمٌ ودارِمُ

٢١. فجاؤا به غمْرَ الرِّداءِ كأنما
أنامِلُهُ في المُجْدِباتِ غَمائمُ