
The sheaths of his sword are adorned

نيطت حمائل سيفه

1. The sheaths of his sword are adorned
With the brave, bold, and skilled horseman.

١. نيطَتْ حمائلُ سَيفِهِ
بالفارسِ الشَّهْمِ الزَّمِيعِ

2. With the victorious, overwhelming, complete warrior,
And the fighter of the abhorred situation.

٢. بمُعَفرِ الغُلْبِ الكُما
ة وقاتل المَحْلِ الشَّنيعِ

3. In his peace and pleasure,
For the situation and tremendous event.

٣. في سَلْمِهِ وَنَدِيِّهِ
للَحْلِ والخَطْبِ الفَظيعِ

4. A sea that surges its billows,
And the bases of the lofty mountains.

٤. يَمٌّ يَجيشُ عُبابُهُ
وقَعائِدُ الطَّوْدِ الرَّفيعِ

5. If the heat of Tanufa descends,
It would turn to a gentle spring.

٥. لو حَلَّ قَيْظَ تَنوفَةٍ
عادَتْ عَذاةً منْ رَبيعِ

6. The crown of kings is the young man of valor and wonderful glory,
And stern, lofty glory in the face of fear and ample chest.

٦. تاجُ المُلوكِ فتى المَسا
عي الغُرِّ والمَجْدِ البَديعِ

7. It reveals the darkness and worries
Of either a worried or shaken person.

٧. والعِزَّةِ القَعْساءِ عند ال
خوْفِ والصَّدْرِ الوَسِيعِ

8. With the evident, sharp sword for the weak
And the generous palm.

٨. يجْلُو الدُّجى والهَمَّ عنْ
عَوَّامِ هَمٍّ أوْ هَزيعِ

9. The view of the minister from the pen
Is the most effective in the coats of mail.

٩. بالواضِحِ البَسَّام للْعا
فِينَ والكَفِّ النَّفوعِ

10. And the dash of his determination corrects
The youth of the cutting sword.

١٠. رأيُ الوزيرِ منَ القَنا
الخَطِيِّ أنْفَذُ في الدُّروعِ

11. His pens are like his steeds
In war and swift foray.

١١. وَغِرارُ عَزْمَتِهِ يُبِرُّ
على شَبا السَّيْفِ القَطُوعِ

12. So the shield is like the stirring up
That prevents prisoner or casualty.

١٢. أقْلامُهُ كَجيادِهِ
في الحُضْرِ والشَّدِّ السَّريعِ

13. A hidden thing, when its wrap is opened,
Upon the carriages in the textiles.

١٣. فالطِّرْسُ كالهَيْجاءِ يُعْ
رِبُ عن أسيرٍ أو صَريعِ

14. And he came while still raw
Praise is sufficient without undertaking.

١٤. نَدُسٌ إذا تُلِيَتْ عُلا
هُ على الرَّكائبِ في النُّسوعِ

15. One of spirit for the heights,
Not the spirit of extinguished embers.

١٥. وَوَرَدْنَ وَهيَ خَوامِسٌ
أغْنى الثَّناءُ عن الشُّروعِ

16. But the lovers do sleep,
And his habit is to shun resting.

١٦. ذُو صَبْوَةٍ بهَوَى المَعالي
لا هَوَى الخَوْدِ الشَّمُوعِ

17. My praise of him the courser extends
To every ambiguous and faint thing.

١٧. لكنْ يَنامُ العاشِقونَ
وشَأنُهُ هَجْر الهُجوعِ

18. A praise that its superiority sprouted
Between kindness and deed.

١٨. مَدْحي لَهُ السَّيَّارُ يَط
وِي كُلَّ غامِضَةٍ وَرِيعِ

١٩. مَدْحٌ تَوَلَّدَ فَضْلُهُ
بينَ المَوَدَّةِ والصَّنيعِ