1. The stallions of horses are lost in awe and honor
When their saddles are mounted by the son of Caesar
١. تتيهُ جيادُ الخيلِ عُجْباً وعِزَّةً
إذا نهضت أمْطاؤها بابن قَيْصَرا
2. With a horseman whose might and friendship
Make plain his efforts, muddy and dusty
٢. بفارسِ يَوْمَيْ بأسهِ ونَوالِهِ
تُجلِّي مَساعيهِ قَتاماً وعِثْيَرا
3. So he protects the protected and the horses stumble over the spears
And he rains on the villages if the wind blows noisily
٣. فيحمي الحمى والخيلُ تعثرُ بالقنا
ويقري القرى إِن هَبَّت الريح صرصرا
4. And he silences the clamor of battles with his patience
When the timber of glory creaked
٤. ويُخرس ضوضاء الخطوب بصبره
إذا ما وَنى عَوْدُ المعالي وجرْجرا
5. And the dew of dawn sends him lion-like
Leaving the dusty arenas of battle red
٥. ويبعثُها رأدَ الضُّحى أسَديَّةً
تُغادر مُغْبَرَّ المَعارِكِ أحْمَرا