
Tomorrow religion will out of excessive joy

غدا الدين من فرط المسرة باسما

1. Tomorrow religion will out of excessive joy
Become a name, wherever you are, its star,

١. غدا الدين من فرط المسرَّة باسماً
طليق المحيَّا حيث أنت لهُ نجمُ

2. The sea almost boils from shyness because of it,
And its generous, bountiful opponent gets angry at it.

٢. يكاد يغيضُ البحر من خجلٍ به
ويزدنُ بالجود العميم له خصمُ

3. And we have not seen a lion before it who gathered
His courage, generosity, knowledge and understanding.

٣. ولم نر ليثاً قبله جمُعت لهُ
شجاعته والجود والعلم والفهمُ

4. The mass of the army flees during his fighting
As the non-existence fled from the comfort of Ma'roof.

٤. يفِرُّ كَميُّ الجيش عند نزالهِ
كما فرَّ من معروف راحته العُدم

5. So he continued to fold up every festival with its like,
And the battles and peace bend down to his virtues.

٥. فلا زال يطوي كل عيدٍ بمثلهِ
وتُثني بفضليه المعاركُ والسَّلمُ