1. The hands of God aid and guard him,
To the piety of one whose worship is all-encompassing and thankful,
١. تُناطُ أيادي اللّهِ منهُ وعندهُ
إِلى ورعٍ جَمِّ العِبادةِ شاكرِ
2. Who returns the radiance to downcast faces,
Yet whose thanks withhold every whim,
٢. يُعيدُ نَوارَ النَّافراتِ أنيسَةً
ويحبسُ منها شُكرهُ كلَّ طائرِ
3. Whose humility increases as his power grows,
For taking the initiative is the valor of the courageous,
٣. يزيد خُضوعاً كلما ازداد قُدْرةً
وبادرةُ الاِمكانِ كِبْرُ الجبابرِ
4. As if the clamor of pilgrims at his land,
And his caller at night and at daybreak,
٤. كأنَّ ضجيجَ القاربين بأرضِهِ
وناديهِ في آصالهِ والبَواكرِ
5. Is the clamor of pilgrims who knew Suaimeq,
A guarantor for them, of the All-Forgiving,
٥. ضَجيجُ حجيج عرَّفوا بِسويْمقٍ
كفيلِ لهم ممَّنْ دعاهم بغافرِ
6. The bitterest adversity is easy, and its friendship good,
Exalted is the pillar of the house, abundant in glories,
٦. أغَرُّ مريرُ البأس سهْلٌ ودادهُ
رفيعُ عِمادِ البيت جَمُّ المآثرِ
7. When the prey of necks goes against his desire,
He corrects them with sound opinion before the swords,
٧. اذا ما عصتْ صيدُ الرقاب مُرادَه
براها بحدِّ الرأي قبلَ البَواترِ
8. He intended for preparedness while the efforts are good,
Echoed between pure souls,
٨. نُمِي لمعَدٍّ والمساعي حميدةٌ
مُردَّدةٌ بين النُفوسِ الطَّواهرِ
9. So he came like the sharp blade of a sword, the most generous lord,
And the most gently touched and roughest supporter,
٩. فجاء كنصل السيف أكرمَ صاحبٍ
وألْينَ ملموسٍ وأخشنَ ناصرِ
10. A young man whose plunder is the money of the poor, and whose might
Is sanctuary for the seeker of refuge in treacherous nights,
١٠. فتىً مالُه نهْبُ الفقيرِ وبأسُهُ
حمى المْستجير في اللَّيالي الغوادرِ
11. And how many difficulties of war and calamities
Shone in the days of the brilliant minister,
١١. وكم صَعبةٍ من لزْبةٍ وحوادثٍ
تجلَّتْ بأيامِ الوزيرِ النَّواضِرِ
12. So the chests of East and West remained safe,
Swift to goodness, obeying commands.
١٢. فلا زال صدرَ الشرق والغرب سالماً
سَريعاً إِلى الحُسنى مُطاعَ الأوامر